Need help on starting medium.

i started 2 seeds today - Nirvana Northern light. starting in water today going to paper towel them tomorrow. . I need input on starting medium, my first grow did not start well and i am having problems (Grow journal so i am adding these 2.

I have perlite, potting soil with pretty much no nutes at all (seedlings were hungry at one week) Miracle Grow moisture control, miracle grow organic - anybody got a good ratio suggestion? I need something with enough nutes to get my plant going but not burn them.

(FYI I do know the perlite should be about 30-40% i really need to know a good soil mix ration with what i have available potting soil with no nutes at all Miracle Grow moisture control, miracle grow organic


Well-Known Member
miracle grow could work just flush the soil b4 you plant and dont feed any nutes for atleast a month


Well-Known Member
i would go with the organic if im not mistaken there is a giant pic of a tomato on the front which is the cousin plant of cannibis.......


Well-Known Member

MiracleGro's moisture control dirt has too many large chunks in it for fragile seedlings. My brother and I both
started new grows with the same seeds from Attitude. We like to compete and compare what we get. He had
a problem moving his germinated seedlings into MG moisture control as 2 of the tiny seedlings were unlucky enough
to get stuck under big chunks of tree bark that was in the dirt. They weren't strong enough to push the boulder
off and withered and died. At the same time I used MG potting soil with no problems on any of my grows.

Good luck, BigSteve.


Active Member
From what i have read on forums and seen on videos there is quite a large variation to grow with in soil. The key is having proper aeration in your soil Perlite and vermiculite will both give aeration in your soil and make your plants grow a lot faster. Personally I used about 25% vermiculite in my medium this year, and about 50%-75% organic compost straight out of my back yard along with some nutrients and dolomite lime. The easiest and cheapest thing to do would be to buy a bag of potting soil which you have already, add some perlite or vermiculite and then some dolomite lime which makes your soil pH stabilized so your plant absorbs its nutrients properly. Vermiculite and perlite also hold water well just like soil, but it doesn't stick together so it allows for better aeration. Don't use that miracle grow bull shit unless its organic or your plants have gotten bigger