Need help on what i need to grow any help is appreciated


New Member
Hi everyone I've been reading these forums for the past month & Just signed up,
I've decided to start growing i need the money and it seems like a really interesting hobby i do have my medical card , now my budget is $1500 and im growing in a garage that gets cold im probably better off growing it in my house with a tent but i dont know what i need or where to start i have a htg supply store by my house if that helps ? i dont know what good quailty equiment is or how many plant i could grow with my budget so i need someone to help me out i need a list or something with everything that i need i want to grow as many plants as i can . Thanks for reading :lol:
Good genetics (seeds).
Good lighting.
Good soil.
Some nutes.
Some five gallon buckets.

Now go read the FAQ in Newbie Central. Just kidding.

Get some Fox Farm soil (and their Tiger Bloom and Big Bloom). Some five gallon buckets. A decent light (I use new generation LEDs but other here like to spend more money on electric bills than I do). If you want a tent, build your own. two by fours, wood screws, and thin plywood will do the trick and be sturdier than anything you could order and pay a shitload of money for. If you get an LED, do your research and ask on that part of the forum. If you don't get an LED, you'll need some ventilation too. It's all here, read the how-tos.


Well-Known Member
^^Good advice^^^....

...and get our own grow thread/journal going!...plenty of advice as you go along...:)


New Member
So your saying LEDs are better they dont get hot ? , People told me to stay away from LEDs for some reason . Thanks for the reply btw


Well-Known Member
I dont know your handyman ability but you can build a 4x8x8 room in the garage pretty easily with a passive intake on the bottom with an ac filter on it to keep nasty shit out, hang 2 cooled 600s up, get a good 6" fan/filter combe hung up, and put 10 5gallon perlite hempy buckets and whatever nutes you want to run, ph/ ppm pen, and good seeds. Led is good if you want to train and train and have an extended veg time with a lower yield, hid is great if you want to just let em grow and get a great yield. Dirt is good but hempys grow faster and easier, 1000 watt lights are great but 600s are easier to manage. Dunno how cold it gets but you may need a heater for lights out.


New Member
A guy who named himself "dopegod" doesn't know anything about growing dope and has no will to look at any of the hundreds of thousands? millions? of already posted guides and walkthroughs on how to grow dope. That's as lulzy as it gets.


Well-Known Member
Before you get too much time invested in internet research get a good grow bible or two and read them through. It will lay it out in a logical progression and be easier to follow than jumping around on forums.


Active Member
No, do not grow in soil. Especially fox farm, contrary to what people say. I find it 10× more difficult to grow in. It may give a different taste, than hydro or soiless. But it is difficult to read if you have a problem. A-you dont know how long the soil is good for, in the sense that you dont know how much of each element is left. So if you start watering, with any nutes, or even calmag, it's pretty easy to lock out your plants. And you'll not be able to figure it out., since your new, shit even a lot of other growers cant. Because of one simple thing, soil isn't constant, you'll have varying levels bag to bag. LED's I find tobbe terrible unless you have the money to drop on the nice ones 3w-5w diodes, and they're not chinese shit quality ones. You need like 16 spectrums or something in each and you get ripped off if you dont go for a reputable brand for thr most part. Not to mention your 1500 budget would pay for 1 good large LED light.

THE Simplest thing ever, and take it from a noob. Is coco growing. It is almost the same yield and growth rate as hydro. But with the forgiveness of soil. You let it go overnight with no water, and it dries out. You can still save the plants. You let hydro dry out, you're done, there is no saving it because their medium (the small balls of rockwool or whatever) doesnt retain water in amounts like coco, and their isn't as much water wet rockwool in hydro as there is coco in a 5gal bucket. Look up the lucas head method. I will never grow in soil again. Did it for 2 grows, did coco as well in the second one. The growth rate was better, the ease was better, everything. I highly recommend it. You need RO WATER, a PH meter, TDS, EC, and PH meter would be the best though. And the nutrients if you're gonna be in a garage just have a 12 12 constant rotation of lights on with 1000w, and it will heat that bitch up. I promise. They're like 4500btu heaters each. No joke.

What you'll need to do:
Clean out your garage
Bug bomb it
Fungus bomb
Bleach wipe down for shits and gigs
Build a divider that is light proof on each side escept for a duct to run through each light. With a carbon filter on the end.
Or buy 2 big tents, look on craigslist, they'll be cheap.

What you'll need:
Clones, seeds, I suggest a few clone grows, then try seeds like I did.
Couple bags of Royal Canna Coco, or equivalent. Not that brick crap
PH meter, with Ph up/down
Scale-to measure 1g of epsom salt
Epsom salt
GH Florobloom, and Florogmicro
A mL device thing to extract the Nutrients
5-7gal cloth pots
55gal dtum with RO water or bug .89 jugs from store every couple days (thats what I do)
2-MH 1000w bulbs
2-HPS 1000w Bulbs
2 -1000w ballasts, I recommend digital
2 XXXL hoods, regular wing, or coltube if you'd like to maximize yield with verticle growing. But I wouldnt recommend it right yet
1 6in fan-if you're ducting hoods
1 4-6in fan-for intake
Carbon filter DIY or buy it if you wanna be nice to your neighbors.

All this can be done under 1500 if you bargain shop on the dumb stuff like hoods, fans, tents and etc. But dont cheap out on bulbs, and ballast IMO.


New Member
No, do not grow in soil. Especially fox farm, contrary to what people say. I find it 10× more difficult to grow in. It may give a different taste, than hydro or soiless. But it is difficult to read if you have a problem. A-you dont know how long the soil is good for, in the sense that you dont know how much of each element is left. So if you start watering, with any nutes, or even calmag, it's pretty easy to lock out your plants. And you'll not be able to figure it out., since your new, shit even a lot of other growers cant. Because of one simple thing, soil isn't constant, you'll have varying levels bag to bag. LED's I find tobbe terrible unless you have the money to drop on the nice ones 3w-5w diodes, and they're not chinese shit quality ones. You need like 16 spectrums or something in each and you get ripped off if you dont go for a reputable brand for thr most part. Not to mention your 1500 budget would pay for 1 good large LED light.

THE Simplest thing ever, and take it from a noob. Is coco growing. It is almost the same yield and growth rate as hydro. But with the forgiveness of soil. You let it go overnight with no water, and it dries out. You can still save the plants. You let hydro dry out, you're done, there is no saving it because their medium (the small balls of rockwool or whatever) doesnt retain water in amounts like coco, and their isn't as much water wet rockwool in hydro as there is coco in a 5gal bucket. Look up the lucas head method. I will never grow in soil again. Did it for 2 grows, did coco as well in the second one. The growth rate was better, the ease was better, everything. I highly recommend it. You need RO WATER, a PH meter, TDS, EC, and PH meter would be the best though. And the nutrients if you're gonna be in a garage just have a 12 12 constant rotation of lights on with 1000w, and it will heat that bitch up. I promise. They're like 4500btu heaters each. No joke.

What you'll need to do:
Clean out your garage
Bug bomb it
Fungus bomb
Bleach wipe down for shits and gigs
Build a divider that is light proof on each side escept for a duct to run through each light. With a carbon filter on the end.
Or buy 2 big tents, look on craigslist, they'll be cheap.

What you'll need:
Clones, seeds, I suggest a few clone grows, then try seeds like I did.
Couple bags of Royal Canna Coco, or equivalent. Not that brick crap
PH meter, with Ph up/down
Scale-to measure 1g of epsom salt
Epsom salt
GH Florobloom, and Florogmicro
A mL device thing to extract the Nutrients
5-7gal cloth pots
55gal dtum with RO water or bug .89 jugs from store every couple days (thats what I do)
2-MH 1000w bulbs
2-HPS 1000w Bulbs
2 -1000w ballasts, I recommend digital
2 XXXL hoods, regular wing, or coltube if you'd like to maximize yield with verticle growing. But I wouldnt recommend it right yet
1 6in fan-if you're ducting hoods
1 4-6in fan-for intake
Carbon filter DIY or buy it if you wanna be nice to your neighbors.

All this can be done under 1500 if you bargain shop on the dumb stuff like hoods, fans, tents and etc. But dont cheap out on bulbs, and ballast IMO.
Thanks for the advice ill get working on it as soon as possible


New Member
A guy who named himself "dopegod" doesn't know anything about growing dope and has no will to look at any of the hundreds of thousands? millions? of already posted guides and walkthroughs on how to grow dope. That's as lulzy as it gets.
You don't have to be a dick maybe ask why my name is dopegod and youll get a answer . Im sure you when you were born you just knew how to grow right away huh


Active Member
Thats a pretty good deal.
Heres what youre interested in:

2 HPS Bulbs and hoods see if there's ballasts-425
8 inch fan with controller-$150
10 inch phresh carbon filter that I paid-$220
10 inch can fan and speed controller 1023 cfm fan-$445
Half a roll of mylar left-$95
2 55 gallon drums 2 fish pump air filters2 stones-$150 Dozens 3gal pots-$50
2 digital timers at-$20ea
2 timer power strips at-$20ea
2 sets of light holder ratchet straps-$10
PH up/down ph water test kit and tons of general organics nuts-$150+
8 site cloner bucket at-$50
xtra large 8 level dry rack-$50
3 analog timers (15 minute intervals)

With his prices in mind as I listed and wanted 1500 for it. Offer up what you think it's worth to him, then take a little extra off still. Then offer that amount to him, and see what he says. Although this is a helpful community and all. This is business. Only use what you need. That I layed out is all you rwally need. If you wanna be nicw just buy the whole lot for 1100 cash and help him out. Negotiate from there. I doubt he'll take 1100 but it's a good cash starting price. Then see what he still has available and etc. And negotiate from their. It's an okay deal. More so if you're going off hydro store prices which he obviously bought that from at that price. But regardless, still jot terrible. Good puck man!


Active Member
That is 100% too small of a space for 2 hps though btw. 1 well ducted 1000w could yield very nicely in that spot though :) and eventually. You could cool tube 2 bulbs, and vert grow for max space utilization. But get 1 good grow or 2 under your belt before you try that. Happy growing man!


New Member
That is 100% too small of a space for 2 hps though btw. 1 well ducted 1000w could yield very nicely in that spot though :) and eventually. You could cool tube 2 bulbs, and vert grow for max space utilization. But get 1 good grow or 2 under your belt before you try that. Happy growing man!
The picture dosent do it any good it has more space then what it looks like . Thank you though


New Member
Thats a pretty good deal.
Heres what youre interested in:

2 HPS Bulbs and hoods see if there's ballasts-425
8 inch fan with controller-$150
10 inch phresh carbon filter that I paid-$220
10 inch can fan and speed controller 1023 cfm fan-$445
Half a roll of mylar left-$95
2 55 gallon drums 2 fish pump air filters2 stones-$150 Dozens 3gal pots-$50
2 digital timers at-$20ea
2 timer power strips at-$20ea
2 sets of light holder ratchet straps-$10
PH up/down ph water test kit and tons of general organics nuts-$150+
8 site cloner bucket at-$50
xtra large 8 level dry rack-$50
3 analog timers (15 minute intervals)

With his prices in mind as I listed and wanted 1500 for it. Offer up what you think it's worth to him, then take a little extra off still. Then offer that amount to him, and see what he says. Although this is a helpful community and all. This is business. Only use what you need. That I layed out is all you rwally need. If you wanna be nicw just buy the whole lot for 1100 cash and help him out. Negotiate from there. I doubt he'll take 1100 but it's a good cash starting price. Then see what he still has available and etc. And negotiate from their. It's an okay deal. More so if you're going off hydro store prices which he obviously bought that from at that price. But regardless, still jot terrible. Good puck man!
Thank you for your help ! I emailed him