need help outdoor ak-48


Active Member
Im a first time poster that needs help fo sho! Ive been growing an ak-48 outdoors since May. I live in Iowa, and have noticed that my plant has shown pistils for over a month, but no budding has occured. The sun is out for about 14 hours a day. The plant continues to grow taller and bushier, and is about 38 inches tall.
Just wondering if the plant could possibly be a male. Its supposed to be a feminized seed, but who knows. I hope one of you guys that have lots of experience can guide me a little:confused: Normally I just research on here and other sites but I have come up empty.
I water it about every three days and havent been using any nutes.
This is obviously my first time growing the sweet leaf and I hope to grow more next year : )
PS - I know the pics are not very focused and crappy. Sorry buts its the best I can do at this point....



Well-Known Member
those are not pistils, they are caylx. It is still vegging. and if its a femmed seed then it has a 99% chance to be a female, don't worry.


Active Member
Thanks for the quick reply!! I reeeallly appreciate it! I love rollitup for the simple fact that people are so willing and quick to help each other. I only hope someday I can return the favor