Need help passing urine test for po!!!

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Man this thread is over 5 years old....think your info came just a little too late. Dudes probably already been locked up, rehabilitated, and let free to become a responsible citizen in our great society. A for effort tho
Get used to it!
The shit these kiddies dig up around here is almost to old for a DNA ID.


Well-Known Member
Toniht I ate. Salmon peppers and onions then I realized whoa I need to slowmetabolism now, not speed up. So I ate oatmeal w cinnamon and sugar added. A spooful of peanut butter with cool whip on it, hot chocolate, some potato chips, about to eat some jelly beans, had a small piece of peanut brittle. Probably have some v8 juice, water copiously also. Maybe some mashed potatoes before bed. Home fries, burrito and eggs in morning, o coffee tea or anything caffeinated, more potatoes and a pizza pocket thing for lunch, some pretzels or chit ps. And off to kick this drug tests ass! you get the method to my madness, I hope.
There are places using oral swabs for drug testing now they're cheaper and can't be cheated with synthetics, keep that in mind and don't try to eat it.
Thanks for info. Yet the ship has sailed. Was in fact a Massachusetts administered non-dot 5 substance urine test. Will know results by early next week.