Need Help! (pic)


Well-Known Member
That looks a lot like the problem i'm currently having for the second time. After doing a bit of reading and poking around to figure out what it could be i came to the conclusion that its stem rot. Some kind of Fungus? Whether or not im right i don't know im still quite new and working towards correcting my situation. Check your stem to see if its developing dark brow/ Gray patches further up. If it is Stem rot, from my understanding its really hard to treat, however it can be prevented by keeping your area clean, well vented, and your moisture levels low. Look up Stem rot in the Forum there is some good information on it around posted by people who are far more experienced then me.


Well-Known Member
eeh, that looks bad :(, what strain are you using, cuz those leaves are broad as hell... you're not overwatering it are you??? gluck man, hope it doesn't croak on you...

i guess you could dry burying it a bit deeper so that it doesn't topple over from that weak spot, but never seen that before, so i don't know if that will spread or not.