Need Help! Pics Attached


Well-Known Member
Sorry for the poor quality, my gfs little brother won a free digital camera from work. So hell I'm putting it to use. Well my plants are about 7 days old. And on the first set of leaves (not the round ones) it looks like a rust on top of the leaves.. I have been keeping the seedling moist not wet for the past 7 days. I have also been using a neem solution misting on the soil and stems. I got some on top of the leaves on accident and attempted to wipe it off. Would the water on top of the leaves do this under the 400W HID light? Im just looking for some suggestions because I thought I was doing everything right this time.:-?



New Member
No need to water so much. Why are you using a Neem solution? How close is your light to the babies? When they are little seedlings like that, the light should be about three feet above the babies ... unless you are using fluros. We are the plant's worst enemy because we just can't leave them alone. *lol*



Well-Known Member
I think ViRedd is correct....let the plants dry out before you moisten or water them again......haha,sometimes it is impossible to leave the little plantlets alone!
Benign neglect will work well!...just make sure the light is not too close or too far away, and water ONLY when the soil appears dry on the surface.
Try to control the urge to water before the soil dries out some.
Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Im using the neem concentrate to keep pests away. How long should I keep the distance 3 feet until I need to start lowering again? Thanks for you info guys.


Well-Known Member
I don't think the neem is needed at this point unless some pests are present.
Is your humidity too high...Is mold a threat later on?
Use the neem later if the need arises.

Use the back of your hand to determine how close you can get your light.
Slowly, over a couple of days, move the light closer to the seedlings, keeping your hand just above the top of the plants make certain that the back of your hand does not feel uncomfortably warm from the light. You should be able to get the light closer if you're careful. The closer you can keep the little sprouts from the light the better. Just be patient and gradually move the light closer and watch carefully!
Good Luck


Well-Known Member
Here is an update on the plant from the other day. Let me know what you think. And also the Sta-Green soil from Lowes that I have been using has time released ferts, which I know are fucking my plants up atm, but they have this Sta-Green Nursery Blend, I read the bag and It still said that it had ferts but people have reccommended that, so Im just lost kind of.

