Need help, pics inside


A bit about the grow. All organic soil, using great white to pre inoculate soil. Have been using a compost tea made up of progress earth compost, tonic, kelp, earth syrup. We had to move these to a new location the other day, we switched up into a larger 7gal smart pot, mixed up a new soil mix of 50/50 happy frog and ocean forest then transplanted. We topped the soil with earth syrup (powdered bio product) then watered with ph7 water. This is what it is looking like today (48hrs later).


I have a 3way soil PH tester but I dont feel it gives accurate results. I did use an old school ph test the other day by mix soil with vinager and some with baking soda and water.. the baking soda mix was fizzing so I added some lime to my water and it seemed to fix the discoloring issue. I was trying to keep this an all organic grow but Im feeling like Cal/ Mag maybe needed. Thoughts?


Well-Known Member
Do you lower the pH of the water after you add the nutrients? Because a lot of nutrients have a habit of skyrocketing pH.


I would have to guess your getting nutrient lockout... I think proper soil ph is 6.3 or close(i do hydro so i forget as been awhile for soil myself) try watering with proper PH for few days and see if it helps first before you start changing nutes an everything else around as you'll probably end up killing the poor girls from stress:cry: they look good hopefully you get them back on track fellow grower:weed:


Active Member
i agree lower ph i use bottled water what you can get from asda of if your in america i think wall mart with a set ph of 6.4 how old are the plants