Need Help!! Pics!!


Active Member
my seedling is a week old i am running 3 40 watt cfl i have a fan running in the closet as well. my leaves are pointing almost straight up and are now curling down at the tips... overheating problemm????? any input on solutions is appreciated i dont want to lose her!!


Well-Known Member
hmm, im not an expert but maybe move your light closer. What ive done is put my hand on the top of the plant, and if your hand is uncomfortable then it is too hot, but leaves curling up makes me think they are trying to get closer to the light


Active Member
i actually just moved my lights further away because i figured it was too hot... i had them at about 2 inches now they are at like 4 inches..... any other ideas?????????


Well-Known Member
I have a thread featuring some Skunkberry, NorthernBerry and blueberry. You might check there to see how your plants compare. They look normal for this variety to me. It looks like your watering is just about right, get the light closer, start One journal and puit all of this together in one spot, please. VV