Need help please: Kief for cooking butter


Well-Known Member
I make mj cooking butter regularly with trim. I use 100 grams of trim usually for a pound of butter. I've recently been making kief from my trim and I'm wondering if I can just use straight kief melted into the butter instead of the old trim method?

If anyone here has any experience with using kief for mj cooking butter can you please offer any tips I should know about like how much kief to use per pound of butter?

I was thinking that If I usually extract a commercial grade of kief from my trim at around 5-10% yield back then that would mean my trim per 100 grams has about 5-10 grams of resin heads in it (kief).
So would you think that would be safe to say I could use around 7 grams of kief per pound of butter to get the same dosage/potency out of my mj butter?

Will the kief just melt right into the butter and I won't have to cheese cloth strain it? Or should I still cheese cloth strain it after boiling the kief with the butter?


Well-Known Member
Consider using not butter, lol. Coconut oil makes a better substitute.

Just melt it in, depending on what your making with it decarb as you see fit. ie, if baking with it no need for excess heat while your mixing it with the fat. Just heat is hot and long enough to melt in a create a good solution.

No need to strain or wash or anything like that with just kief.

And dosing it up to you. I'd put 14 or more grams of keif in a 1/2 cup butter but I have stupid high tolerance. I actually prefer to make edibles with bho.


Well-Known Member
Consider using not butter, lol. Coconut oil makes a better substitute.

Just melt it in, depending on what your making with it decarb as you see fit. ie, if baking with it no need for excess heat while your mixing it with the fat. Just heat is hot and long enough to melt in a create a good solution.

No need to strain or wash or anything like that with just kief.

And dosing it up to you. I'd put 14 or more grams of keif in a 1/2 cup butter but I have stupid high tolerance. I actually prefer to make edibles with bho.
Thank you. I'm making a few different baked items that go to dispensaries and the recipes require butter. Why do you say to consider not using butter? Just a health reason or does it not work well with kief?


Well-Known Member
"...Medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) are medium-chain (8 to 10 carbons)

In the digestive system MCTs are broken down into individual fatty acids (MCFA). Unlike other fatty acids, MCFA are absorbed directly from the intestines into the portal vein and sent straight to the liver where they are, for the most part, burned as fuel much like a carbohydrate. In this respect they act more like carbohydrates than like fats.
(Absorption is much more efficient and you feel effects much faster)
Other fats require pancreatic enzymes to break them into smaller units. They are then absorbed into the intestinal wall and packaged into bundles of fat (lipid) and protein called lipoproteins. These lipoproteins are carried by the lymphatic system,bypassing the liver, and then dumped into the bloodstream, where they are circulated throughout the body. As they circulate in the blood, their fatty components are distributed to all the tissues of the body. The lipoproteins get smaller and smaller, until there is little left of them. At this time they are picked up by the liver, broken apart, and used to produce energy. MCTs do not require bile salts for digestion and therefore, passively absorbed by the intestinal tract into the blood stream where they are used for energy. Rich sources of MCTs include palm kernel oil, coconut oil and camphor tree drupes."

Part of my quote on coconut oil.......if you haven't read that thread you may find it somewhat useful ..called "how much thc can coconut oil hold"

Anyway..... most clean hash/kief gives a 10% yieldvor less because of decreasing quality as you extract. If using hash that you got 10% yield from the corresponding bud, don't assume you collected all the trichs....if you normally use 20 grams per stick of butter(just picked a number) don't assume 10% of that equals how much kief you should use.. go ahead and use 20% or a bit less to account for product loss that remains on the bud..... your gonna have to judge your extraction rates and what it had to begin with, based on what you used

Another quote cause I don't like typing...
"Yup...I like making little pastries with it over traditional brownies
you can get moist cake or flaky crust etc with coconut. it does have a lower melting point and chefs I'm sure are aware of the problems that come with that.....I'm no chef and its not as fluffy but I've successfully made many recipes with it

But yes they can be interchanged...easier in recipes that call for soft butter...just chill it though and it doesn't matter
Its healthier than butter, more versatile, and has a high smoke point (No burning)."
They can be substituted in any recipe


Well-Known Member
Hey Qwiz awesome post man thank you and very appreciated! Ok great man I will experiment with the coconut oil in little batches at first. Ya I hear ya about the kief concentration of trichs. I think then to be safe I'll use my cream first run 2% kief yield to help ensure I'm using a better cleaner grade of heads that will also help give a clearer and cleaner cooking oil.

Tried to rep you again man but I gotta spread more rep around before I can give ya love again. Rollitup could improve on that system


Well-Known Member
I think what qw is saying is coconut oil makes a more available solution over butter, kinda skimmed it, lol. I've also been told that coconut(or other fats) actually hold more thc per unit.

It is better for you and can be substituted in most recipes, especially baked stuff. I find I like coconut better in brownies and the like, gives a lighter or more pure flavor, however some stuff it just plain better with butter, like a pan-seared ribeye, hehe.

Also, butter seperates and gets kinda gross if you use water to pull out the nasty stuff, but only need that for flower/trim edibles usually.