Need help please, pics inc


Well-Known Member
ty baka and toasted, , i guess i was to scared to over nute and didnt go enough nutes. question, epsom salt, can get at a hardware store? and i have a product called "espoma organic" garden lime i found in the garage, it says it has a lot of cal and mag in it, it is little grey pellets, would this work because i notice the bloom booster has no mag or cal in it. if so should i dilute it in water? or sprinkle on top of soil? i am def learning a lot with this grow u guys are great help
The garden lime or Dolomite lime is what you would mix into soil to help PH before you plant, but Hydrated lime is not so good because it reacts so quickly and can burn.
If you want Epsom Salt, just get some from the grocery store of drug store, same thing.
1 Tbsp/ gal is what I have used in the past.


Well-Known Member
Just a good habit to get into, because if you're using strong lights, or outdoors, the strong light can magnify through water droplets on the leaves and create burn spots.
Also, cooler temps (generally) give more time for the plant to absorb the moisture before it evaporates.

Also, when you foliar feed, try to get the undersides of the leaf, not just the top side.;-)


Well-Known Member
dont know wuts wrong, i used miracle grow bloom booster ( 15-30-15) at 1/4 stregnth once during the 2nd week of flower,
Get some decent nutes and feed full str throughout flowering, atm they are severly P and K def.