Need HELP please....using cfl's have some pics. 1st time grower sorry.


New Member
growing w/ cfl's BUT do I have the right lighting???
Hello.... i'm new to this so please go easy w/ me. thanx for any replies in advance.

1. i have 3 plants (don't know what species of seed).
2. i have 4 cfl's= 3 are 42watt 1 is 25watt. for 42 watt i have brand Eiko= w/ 2700k, lumens= 2800. 2nd 42watt cfl is brand- TCP Spring Light (soft white), lumens=2600, color temp=2700k. 3rd 42watt cfl is brand- Energy Wiser; soft-daylight, w/ 5000k, lumens=2640. the 25watt is brand-Sunlight.....lumens=1495 but does not have the color temp...guessing low. All 3 42watt are spiral....25watt is tubes.

Space is relatively little....say, maybe, 2ft x 2ft. or 3ft x 3ft.

Soil= miracle grow..all purpose w/ perlite etc. ( i think it's pretty good to start)

food= DR. Earth 4-4-4 probiotic organic used as a tea or alone w/ water. also worm-casting.
i do have shultz african violet 8-14-9. i probally should not use b/c it's for acid loving plants. but it high in p. It was free so i only used a tiny drop from the liquid dropper.

Water- distilled spring water

fan= to circulate the air & strenghten stem. and i have a smaller (like desk fan) i put near the plants as exhaust for any heat the cfl might give off.
plus i have air purifier w/ a U/V button to kill airborne germs, bacteria, cig. smoke etc.

How is that for 3 plants? im using the metal clamp reflector too. it's been about 3 weeks. here is another pic

ANY ADVICE, SUGESTIONS, OR HELP would be greatly appreciated. sorry 4 the elementary questions. again thanx in advance.......joey


Hey Joey,

From what i read in the forums and research, it's best to use 6500k Cf Ls for seedlings. I used 4 27w Daylight Cf Ls for my seedlings and they took off great. You may also what to put the Cf Ls closer to the plant, maybe 1-4in. but make sure not too close to burn her up and it will also help her not to stretch as much try to get the light.

In my grow I used 5 27w 6500k for my 10 seedlings for first 3 weeks and had the lights about a 1in. away from the top of the seed leaves. I've added 1 125w 6500k CFL on the 3rd week and plants are doing great.


New Member
THANX SOOO much SMOKEclouds!! i think i need more light. i also think the lower the color temp is for flowering/budding. higher color temp i.e. 5000/8000k is for veg. state. the former being in the orange & red spectrum no? and the latter being in blue/ ultra-violet right? that seems to fit what u r saying.stalk pic long.JPG

if u look closely tho.....this plant is getting a little yellowing on the fan-leaves and does not seem as vibrant as it once was. i thougt maybe too much light? no? maybe ph or something else


New Member
oh, sorry SMOKECLOUD, but why 25 & 27 watt? i have seen ppl. use that before or should i say i read of ppl. doing that but wouldn't 42 watt be better? if not why?

again im very sorry w/ the elementary questions. thanx joeyalprazolam carbon pic.png the above is alprazolam u might know it as xanax.....i wish i could create a hybrid that had these molecules in cool LOL jk.
Hi Joey,

I haven't been on lately and just saw your messages.

The more lumens the better, u can use a couple of high watt cfls or a lot of smaller cfls. It depends on the space you have to work with. I have limited space so the lights im using are a great start for my veggin' plants. When i go to the flowering stage i'll probably add a few extra lights. Do the math on the bulbs, calculate the lumens and cost of bulbs and see what works best for you. One size does not fit all when your growing, just keep reading and I know you'll find your answers.

seed/Veg = 5000k-6500k
Flowering = 2700k

Good Growing