///need help please!


Active Member
ok its closer but im a little bit afraid of melting the cling film :P thnx for the advice as lways m8.. it wont let me rep you anymore.... i will when i can though ;)


Active Member
should i leave the light on them 24/7 now or what? and if so how many days should i do that before going 18/6?


Well-Known Member
thats up to yourself and you can get a lot of different opinions, some leave it 24/0 for the full veg stage. i personally dont, i find that 24/0 for around the first 2 weeks and then reduce it toi 18/6 works well. there are arguments that the plant need some dark time to grow, i cant give any real argument for or against but i tend to think that it may be correct. so after 2 weeks i reduce it and usually veg until the plant is at the height and size that i want it, always take into account that the plant will double and may treble when you flower it. be careful you have the room to accommodate this. most of us have ended up with giant plants that start taking over too much.


Active Member
thnx m8 how often should i water the lil fuckers at the moment? ive been getting them very damp once a day the last 2 days is that enough?


Well-Known Member
i tend not to water them normally, as long as the soil is damp there fine, just lift the plastic film and give them a spray till its moist. i usually do it 4 or 5 times a day. make sure ur soil isnt soaking wet, its not good for them.


Active Member
still no shoots... been 2 days for 2 of them and 3 for the other... getting worried... the soil gets dry very fast and ive been spraying them well every 3-4 hours except when im asleep obviously.. anything you think i could change?


Well-Known Member
if the soils drying out too much then its okay to give them a water, dont fill the pot or anything just around where the seeds is, also dont pour it directly above the seed as it may cause it to move and wash the soil off it


Active Member
still no sign of them... think they might be fucked already... :( maybe i planted them a little too deep? 2-3 inches is what i did


Active Member
dug around to get a look at them 2 of them are dead and the other was upside down but the root did a u turn and its still green so covered it back up with a little soil and put em back under the light.. germing another 2 now and hopefully they survive :P


Active Member
OK... so... all 5 of my seeds died. im going to detail exactly what i did to get to this depressing point.... new seeds are ordered... sigh.. here goes: i germed the seeds in wet paper towels in a warm dark place they seemed to germ absolutely fine and fast..once the root-shoots were about 2 cm long id plant them root down just beneath the surface of the soil (which was nice and damp) in a compressed peat pot. cover the top with cling film and put under a 250w hps about 3" from the top of the cup.. why did they all die? i would give them a spray 3 or 4 times a day too... did i over water? can you guys please give me a step by step of how to start these fucking things with what im using.. im using miracle grow potting soil , compressed peat pots and a 250w hps. the seeds were blue widow thanks in advance!


Well-Known Member
In my opinion , this would be a major mistake.
Do your homework first and make a smart decision on what you want in your grow room . This includes the light . That way you will only buy what you need . don't waste money on shit and then have to upgrade.

hey guys trying to order stuff today if possible so quick feedback would really be appreciated thnx!


Active Member
In my opinion , this would be a major mistake.
Do your homework first and make a smart decision on what you want in your grow room . This includes the light . That way you will only buy what you need . don't waste money on shit and then have to upgrade.
thnx dadio but were way past that i bought a 250w hps and it should be fine for the space im using. if you could give me some input on my latest post id appreciate it thnx bud!
Dude...slow the fuck down. You're gonna blow your money and create some serious security issues for yourself if you rush into this. As Xcon said earlier, it will be months before your crop is ready to smoke so why not be patient and do this properly. If you read up on this stuff, you'll discover that: 1) Security is everything. 2) Your grow space will determine what kind of gear you can run safely and effectively. If I were you, I'd forget HID's altogether - especially if you can't vent your grow space into an attic or outdoors. Consider using CFL's instead. They give off lots of light, don't use much juice and they don't generate much heat. You can hang one from the clothes hanger bar in your closet - naked without a hood for your seedling and early veg growth and then augment with a T-5 or two for flowering. Your results will surprise you I promise.


Active Member
I think you planted your seeds to deep , i always cover 1/4 to 1/2 inch of dirt over seed ,pretty good results . also go back and read my thread about T5 lighting it makes life so much easier in small CAB grows.Happy Farming ,Cajun