Need Help Please.


New Member
[h=1][FONT=arial, helvetica, clean, sans-serif]Should I be real worried if I left the ceiling light on for about 3.5 hours too long for one night in my grow room? My plants have been flowering for two weeks and when the HPS light turned off tonight with the timer, the incandescent ceiling light was still on so the plants got 15.5 hours of light instead of the usual 12 for flowering. What percentage of a chance will this turn the plant hermaphrodite?[/FONT][/h]

The light cycle is 12 - 12 from two 600 watt HPS.They go off at 8PM and turn back on at 8 AM. Tonight I had the incandescent light on by accident until 11:30. That would be 15.5 hours of light from an incandescent bulb for one day out of the 8 weeks of flowering. What is the damage? What are the chances I caused it to be hermaphrodite. All plants are fully female, much buds after just two weeks.
They will be fine. Just don't let it happen again. Also NEVER open your room to look at them while the lights are off. Be patient and wait until the lights turn on. Keep them on 12/12 and make sure it's pitch black during lights off, not even a light from a power strip or anything should be seen in the room.


New Member
They will be fine. Just don't let it happen again. Also NEVER open your room to look at them while the lights are off. Be patient and wait until the lights turn on. Keep them on 12/12 and make sure it's pitch black during lights off, not even a light from a power strip or anything should be seen in the room.
No it wont happen again. thank you lots. I am aware about everything you told me. I made one room into three smaller rooms with walls and doors so when I go into the door that I went in when i noticed the ceiling light was on does not make any light go into the room with the flowering plants. I am curious though. What about the moon at night. Does not apply to this cause I am growing indoors but if a plant would turn hermie so easy wouldn't the moon cause most outdoor plants to turn. Just a thought. I dont think I have much to worry about with one. If I have been flowering for two weeks and no sign of male or hermies, I should be fine as long as I don't make this mistake again. thanks. If you can clarify anything I may benefit from knowing I would appreciate it.


Well-Known Member
Moons different kind of light, not direct sunlight.
One time exposure could turn em, if your plants are really sinsemilla, no amount of light stress will turn em, just mess up bud production. We've all left the light on or door open, I'm sure.