Need help please

Yea that's one plant, Nothing gets by you. Your plants are poorly trained, imo. You should grow an even canopy. Growing diffrent sized plants under the same light is a noobie mistake.
I have 4 lig
Learn to top, lst and super crop your shit.
This thread has gotten out of control. Like I said follow along 9 weeks to go. 2000 watts average around 4 lbs dry weight. Came from another site due to boredom guess I'll have to have documented proof of weights and such before I'm taken serious. And for the record I never said I use green light or that the op should I said SOME people do. Before saying this I explained how dark his room needed to be. And what has happened in my personal experience with light leaks. Nameste!
Learn to top, lst and super crop your shit.
Each plant has 10 tops at least I have 4 lights that are independent and can be raised or lowered. Your 1 shopping cart plant impresses me not. Lucky you can grow outside is all. No skill there. A couple tops and plop it in nice dirt. Water occasionally. Just need the genetics. Happy Growing.
Each plant has 10 tops at least I have 4 lights that are independent and can be raised or lowered. Your 1 shopping cart plant impresses me not. Lucky you can grow outside is all. No skill there. A couple tops and plop it in nice dirt. Water occasionally. Just need the genetics. Happy Growing. outdoors better then your indoor, Sad. Post pics of bud from your previous grows. Bet you you don't have also need to learn how to keep them green, they're looking kinda stressed.
This is childish...

Last grow (march2017) new room.
300 watt row..
Ya bud saw that all ready explained and apologized. You got it and know what your doing
Flower room before the rebuild (5 plants)
This is childish...

Last grow (march2017) new room.
300 watt row..

Flower room before the rebuild (5 plants)
Ya all ready explained and apologized on the original post of your vids. You got it and know what your doing. @Mr.Sunshine just rubbed me the wrong way. Him and his shopping cart. Agree with you about growers being united. Hence my reason for trying to help the OP. Happy Growing. outdoors better then your indoor, Sad. Post pics of bud from your previous grows. Bet you you don't have any.
Nope your right I don't. Cops confiscated my phone and attempted to use it is evidence against me. But that's a diff. Story. We all have time right? Like I said 9 weeks. I'll follow you. Just to make sure I can send you the pics. And the dry weight on my scales. I'll have my lab test it as well just for good measure. It's free might as well. Like I said to @Dumme. Was just trying to help the op and give him personal experience. Never saw d he should use the green light or that I did...just that some people do. Nameste!
Ya all ready explained and apologized on the original post of your vids. You got it and know what your doing. @Mr.Sunshine just rubbed me the wrong way. Him and his shopping cart. Agree with you about growers being united. Hence my reason for trying to help the OP. Happy Growing.
Only person in the world to grow in a shopping cart. You're lucky you got to have a conversation with me.
Nope your right I don't. Cops confiscated my phone and attempted to use it is evidence against me. But that's a diff. Story. We all have time right? Like I said 9 weeks. I'll follow you. Just to make sure I can send you the pics. And the dry weight on my scales. I'll have my lab test it as well just for good measure. It's free might as well. Like I said to @Dumme. Was just trying to help the op and give him personal experience. Never saw d he should use the green light or that I did...just that some people do. Nameste!
I care more about the quality. Send me pics of your first harvest when you finish it in 9 weeks.
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Only person in the world to grow in a shopping cart. Your lucky you got to have a conversation with me.
Not going to lie I though that was pretty slick. But I bet you wish it had bigger wheels for going through the grass don't you? Wonder how I know? Not personally but don't say your 1 of a kind. You will end up moving to a cark with much larger wheels and it's rectangular and nice and deep and it reminds you of a wagon and they sell it at home Depot.....wink. Also I am a good among men so you should feel lucky meager peon. :)
Not going to lie I though that was pretty slick. But I bet you wish it had bigger wheels for going through the grass don't you? Wonder how I know? Not personally but don't say your 1 of a kind. You will end up moving to a cark with much larger wheels and it's rectangular and nice and deep and it reminds you of a wagon and they sell it at home Depot.....wink. Also I am a good among men so you should feel lucky meager peon. :)
Look at you, acting like you've grown before. As you said, pics or stfu. I Don't want to see vegging plants, show me some of your bud from previous grows.

I don't want to hear the cops got my phone excuse.
I'm just fucking with you. Goddamn, don't take everything so seriously. I'd love to see them but it's not nessesary if it's out of your way. Just throw the bird signal @mr sunshine, and I'll be back, Later homie.
Hey I am sorry if I came off uptight. I worked all day and right before I checked my alerts some shit happened. Your plant looks great and with as long as you have been on this site. I'm sure your growing experience probably surpasses mine. I'm following you bro lol. You seem to know your shit and everyone can learn. Plus I overstepped my tongue earlier and realize we were both just trying to help the OP after reading the entire thread. I apologize for bieng such a dick. Can't give the bird to a fellow bad.