need help plz setting up new grow room

had bad experience with hydro wasted thousands from eco systems to dwc, goin soil ive got 6 x 600hps 12foot x 8 x 8, im thinking 50 plants, gona use all mix soil with perlite, biobizz grow for veg & for flower biobiz flower & bloombastic wat sorta yeild can i expect, im planning on vegging for 4weeks thanks cant fail this time givin up hope


Active Member
I dont think anyone here can give you an honest answer,there are just to many variables to deal with,you know like what strain are you growing,you said 50 plants ok what size pots will you be useing and then there is the dreded failure of any number of things. this question could maybe be answerd in a perfect world be we dont have that so good luck peace and grow on


Well-Known Member
i started with soil had poor luck , went to hydro( flood tables) learned lots with great results . now im doing some in soil to gain the Exp. too bad you are giving up on hydro , its very ez . although one table i flowerd for 35 days with very poor growth had no idea what was wrong , until something very simple ... my tri meter that was suppose to be factory calibrated wasnt . so i would set Ph at 5.5 but really i was 5.0 . off by .5(x50) so something so small made a whole difference, maybe you overlooked something in your situation .my res tank was mixed with RO water and 2 part nutes thats it , weak ppm at start and wait till plants eat ppm down then put in more nutes week by week and correct ph ,just throwing that out there . good luck