Need help plz


Hi my fellow smokers
Im a new grower and stared in soil, dont have a perfect set up or anything but my plant was doing great, till i had a little accident moving the lights, first one of the lights landed on top of my bby burnn the first leafs that grow after sprout so i decided to cut em since they were burn almost 60% and burn a little of the first set of leafs, then after that i saw my stem was broken and the plant slowly turn yellow from the tips down at first looks like nut def but can this be caue by the broken stem?? im still trying to learn and read as muh as i can but i wanted t ask way more expirence ppl

i also use to give her piss with water for some nutes since soil dint had any, this was some time back but she was doint good then when i saw the yellow i look up the problem and some said it was nutes so i gave her some miracle grow 1/4 of streght said by box

soil: dont know the name and as far as i know had no nutes
pests: yes spider mites been controlled with peper till neem oil gets here
watering cycle:every 2 days probably why leafs are droopy??
ligths: 24hr cycle, 2 cfl's 30 watts 1595 lumens each with a few hours of sun light
temp: day time 75-80 night time 70-68
ventilation: fan
strain: unknow weed for what seed look like il say indica
thx for your time guys


um buddy ive been growin a yearr far far from good im def a newb but these 2 pics are grows done with miracle grow tomato food and miracle grow bone meal both under 10 bucks at wall world .. that said id advise to stop giving ur plants urine



Well-Known Member
^LOL, Yeah, I'm thinking the piss caused magnesium lockout. I'm also guessing you aren't PH'ing anything? Either it's the PH or the piss, maybe even both. It's time for a flush with some PH'ed water(6.4-6.8 ), then let it dry for a few days. Then stay away from the nutes, til the leaves have spread to approx. as wide as the pot, reguardless of age. Or, start over. You could probably germ some new seeds in 3 days, and have that thing passed up by day 10, before it has recovered. It'd be close. :)


Active Member
That looks like it will be OK if you give it a flush with pure water. With a little sprout like that in soil you really shouldn't be feeding with anything, let alone urine. Give it time to mature and read, read, read.


hey whats up guys thx for the help
yes i do think it was to early to feed then again i jump to it instead of reading a lil bit first

And yes i havent ph anything since i dont have a ph pen or anything but will get one ASAP,

Piss is mix with water at a 1:5 ratio still to early to feed it and i tried this since i saw online that piss has many of the nutes the plant needs (have you try this as fert?)

one more thing if i use drinking water what ph would that have since i still dont have a ph tester


Well-Known Member
I love all the idiots that automaticly say dont piss on your plants whenever urine is brought up and it is always someone who just started growing or someone that comes out with ignorant shit all the time anyway. The urine wasnt the problem. Adding urine to a tiny sprout was the problem. All you dummys who have something to say about urine without actually having any first hand knowledge of it, which I see is most of you, should read NASA's 32 page report outlining 30+ years of research of using human urine exclusivly to grow veggies for the astronauts. I think it is funny how everybody downs urine but loves fox farms. Read the ingredients and you tell me which is nastier.


yea urine aint bad but il just stay away for a while till she/he can take it
sucks not having the tools to do it properly but hey that happens when you just jump to do shit


Active Member
I love when people blast people on message boards calling them ignorant idiots, it really shows your level of maturity. Last time I checked, NASA wasn't producing any good smoke, I'd say leave them to their piss and rockets and use a fertilizer that is of a known NPK ratio.