NEED HELP QUICK! hiding plant!


Active Member
okay. i need help hiding my plant in something that the human eye cant see through but the sunlight can get to.

its sitting on my on my window ledge and u can totally see it now from outside haha. i need it hidden.




Well-Known Member
this calls for a pc case! because if your worried about it being seen now wait till its 3-6' tall lol


Active Member
I suggest lightweight muslin curtains. You can get muslin very cheap at any fabric store. Go for a pale color like white or beige.


Well-Known Member
Try a fucking light and put in your closet. Or you could just stick it next a bunch of roses or something and it wouldn't stand out as a Ganja plant.


Well-Known Member
wow man thats a toughie, i dont think theirs much u could do.....maybe angle it so the sun can find it but people outside cant, but like was said b4 u gotta figure out something different than ur window if ur scared cuz its gonna get bigger and show itself being a mj plant. or maybe like the other guy said hide it in some non-illegal plants, i dunno what looks like mj really but my mom had some plants the city came and chopped down in our front yard cuz they were "marijuana look alikes"at first a cop came up to the door and asked all these questions but when my mom complained it they said she could grow em inside and they couldnt touch em. didnt make any sense to me...just seemed like they wanted to fuck with us and make things hard......


Active Member
wow man thats a toughie, i dont think theirs much u could do.....maybe angle it so the sun can find it but people outside cant, but like was said b4 u gotta figure out something different than ur window if ur scared cuz its gonna get bigger and show itself being a mj plant. or maybe like the other guy said hide it in some non-illegal plants, i dunno what looks like mj really but my mom had some plants the city came and chopped down in our front yard cuz they were "marijuana look alikes"at first a cop came up to the door and asked all these questions but when my mom complained it they said she could grow em inside and they couldnt touch em. didnt make any sense to me...just seemed like they wanted to fuck with us and make things hard......
aight thanks alot guys...ill try to keep it hidden until friday.


Well-Known Member
are you guys serious? is this a serious thred asking how to hide a red cup with a seedling in it?....this one belong in ABF's "how not to grow dope" right under the planted 1,000 seeds then did research on how to grow....good luck with that home slice


New Member
a guy here last fall got busted for having 2 plants in his window about the same size as yours...start a closet grow man....if you live in town....get them out of that window....


New Member
get some venetian blinds so you can angle them down and no1 can see in but the sun in the sky goes right through.

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
How should I select my grow space?

First, you should not put others at risk without their knowledge. This goes for your wife, kids, parents, live-ins or roomates. When LEO busts a grow, usually everybody goes to jail.

Next, make sure your space is secure. That means either lockable or hidden. You don't want the Orkin man finding your grow room.

Your grow space needs to have adequate ventilation and electrical resources for the size grow you intend on having. If you can't vent to outside of the space or you have 15 amp circuit that the tv is also on, don't look to put a 1000w hps on a mover in there.

Closets can make really good grow spaces, but heat usually is a big issue.

There used to be a site put up by a guy named Iguana who described coming home from work one day and smelling growing bud from his driveway. Have a plan for dealing with smell in place before the terpines become pronounced. A good ozone generator can remove the odor from the room and the exhaust.

Chests of drawers or dressers have too little space or ventilation opportunities to house a big (400w or bigger) HID. If you need to use a dresser, consider a small HID or flourescents.

If you have a big light in a small space, you will need big fans to keep it cool. Big fans make noise. Make sure that the noise from your grow doesn't tip people off as to what you are doing.


Well-Known Member
if u cant see through it its bc light isnt passing through it...use ur closet or somethin dude or give it to ur friend


Well-Known Member
dude to be honest the light intensity from where your plant is sitting is probably not even sufficient enough for you to get anything from it......suggest you do some homework and invest in the right gear or your most likely wasting your time and risking a potential run in with Johnny Law



Active Member
plant outside near some bushes or somthing it will blend in with.

how old are you anyway?

outside i would say would be the best cuz grow season is here ,well depending on were you live.


Well-Known Member
for sure a bad set up. it sounds like you are tying to grow with out educating yourself with the right info. because if your that worried that your going to get busted i would scrap he idea of growing until you got a hidden setup like a closet or grow chamber of some sort.


Active Member
for sure a bad set up. it sounds like you are tying to grow with out educating yourself with the right info. because if your that worried that your going to get busted i would scrap he idea of growing until you got a hidden setup like a closet or grow chamber of some sort.
like i said. i needed to find something to hide it until friday. not for the rest of the plants life haha.

its almost Friday and ive just been putting a dvd in front of the cup its in so it doesn't look as suspicious and obvious.

and actually just tossing it on my window seal for the past 3-4 weeks its been growing fine. its looking great if u ask me. check the pictures