Need help Quick, just like a patient in ER(pictures)

Hi guys,

This plant was doing just fine untill yesterday. I water every 2 to 3 days with the General Organics line of nutes. I also give it just plain water.
I use rainwater as i have 2 barrels in the back of the home that catches the rainwatter from the gutter. So water is fine.

Whenever i have to water, I water her in the morning, when I wake up, at like 6 to 6:30 am just before the sun comes fully up.
3 days ago, I got the brilliant idea to scoop like 3 cups of my compost in water with some molases to make a compost tea..ive done it numerous times with my other vegetables. I stir it like 3 times a day and it does its job good...however this time it was too strong, i did not mix it with water afterwards, like half gallong tea mixed with half gallon water... I just went straight 1 gallon of compost tea...i fed her..went to work and later in the afternoon when i came back home, i found 3 of the colas with all the leaves down, as if its dead..and yet the other colas are good.
So I immediately gave it 3 galons of plain water to flush her since it was just fine before the compost tea, and now it turned like that, so my logic and common sense told me to flush her!

Here is how she looked...will they straighten up back or did i screw this plant up?

Btw, this plant got naturally her veg stage, the main cola got bitten up by iguana's ...and thats why all the extra colas
Any help would be highly appreciated on what to do. Or if i should just wait and see because i already flushed.
Here are the pictures...and you can see like 3 of the colas with the really sad leaves! Thanks guys.

God bless you all my people.


Well-Known Member
I used General Organics nutes, and I have found that going 1/2 strength up to week six then full strength after that works for me. The big difference between you and me is that I only gave nutrients about once a week until the last two or three weeks of bloom. Then I go to every 4 days with 150% of bloom nutes.


Well-Known Member
I think you're asking a question many can't answer. I personally don't know if you're plants will come back. Flush with a shit-load of water, and let 'em be for a few days and see how they react is my non-expert advice.
so the 3 gallons was not enough

i read somewhere that u have to flush 3times the pot size .. so if its a 5 gallon bucket, i have to flush with 15 gallons of water? is this anywhere near true ?


Well-Known Member
Looks like soil is too moist. Not enough draining.. root rot is setting in..... flush with "1 tablespoon of peroxide per gallon of pure water" . Let it drain. Then add a soluton with lots of beneficial bacteria to eat up the dead roots... if that dont work shes dead!!!!


Well-Known Member
If that's not dehydration it must be shock, something happened to the plant and now its stressed.


Well-Known Member
Bubble could be right if he sees something I'm not seeing (I'm very buzzed at the moment...rum and white widow....tee hee).
whats up guys, has been quite some time...
i have to say that the plant died of but i did however manage to get 4 clones out of her before she went completely brown..i placed the cuttings in a bucket with water and 10 days later they were all rooted...they seem streched but they're not..its the branch that was kinda long, i just took cuttings zig zag cuttings, everywhere i saw new life...and here we are 3 and a half weeks later..

5 cuttings and a new seed..lets hope for the best..

This one is a cutting from a lemon haze that was taken like 4 weeks ago.

vegging under 24/7 T5's .. supposed to be 4x2ft 26w each but the harnass of 2 of them burned so thats 2 26w t5's ... just 1 more week I think, then they're going outside