need help soon


Active Member
i just got 2 plants from a freind both of the 2 plant have been bent completely in half its been two days now since they were transplanted from outside and there acting kind of weird i was wondering if they are able to heal them selves or will they die and a sencond q is can i just take the top off and clone it


Active Member
feed the plant & leave it alone. 95% of a plants life comes from the athmosphere so you need to give them light & air. you had them outside they were taken from what they love most, would you be sick if same? its weed ffs of corse it will grow if given a lil tlc indoors. clone away when they healthy f if so


Active Member
How are they doing now,, how tall are they,, what plant type are they? my advice is to feed them nutritients, provide sufficient light & air. leave them alone until blooming healthy. should take 2 weeks or so as a guess.. good luck with them :-)