Need help starten up my med crop please!!

danky budz

:cry:So I just got approved for my medical card and now I'm getting ready to start growing my med. First.... ak-47 or white widow? Or anyone know of anything else more potent? I know personal preference(high or stoned) has alot to do with it, but looking for best pain reliever with high thc. Second.... I'm looken at two grow tents but should i get one big one and try and split it myself, or get a medium one and a smaller one? Or should i just use auto flowering and only buy one tent? I can only grow six plants at a time of course so can anyone help me out? Idk what to do!!


Well-Known Member
go buy 6 ak clones, "white" strains dont really live up to their name for inexperianced growers.
go with the one big tent and dont bother with mother rooms etc
get urself everything BEFORE getting ur plants
600W HPS for 6 decent sized plants
get urselfl all ur equipment, depends on if ur goin hydro or soil, personally id go soil as its less complex and easier to not fuck up
p.h meter and all that other stuf, good soil

theyre u go, uve now got a generel idea of what your shooting towards


Active Member
nothing left to say..Thanks alot conepuller didnt have to tell him everything lol.. Good luck with the set up.


Well-Known Member
haha when he comes online he can mull that over, than once youve got ur idea start looking for specifics danky
haha teryy you can thank me with a little star shapped button under my avatar :P

danky budz

Hey thanks for the info!! I'm not sure what I should do then if i dont have mother plants, or maybe I read that wrong? And do you think the mazar x white rhino is a good choice? And I'll be using fox farm ocean forrest soil. I only have a 250 watt mh for my vegg room, and a 250 watt hps for my flower room, is this enough for six plants if I do get the two grow tents?:confused: Thanks for all the info!!!


Well-Known Member
Hu ya Dank :)

Welcome to RiU man :)

I would recomend you take your time , Spend a couple of weeks here on the forum reading up on the basics , In that time you can decide what you need and what best suits you , Rather than just jumping into something and making mistakes ... its a LOT cheaper that way !

As its allready been pointed out .... Get ALL your Stuff first .... read a lot .... ask lots of question ( After reading a bit ) ... Focus on how you want your enviroment set up and then by then you will have no doubt picked up on what strains work best for a beginer and the mistakes others may have made .

Go look at grow journals ... like this one >> Read them thru ... even if you don't understand it all ...your learning .

I would recomend growing in Coco Rather than Soil as its more forgiving and easy to use ... heres a link ... Read about it >>>

Also worth checking out is the DIY section >>> ... some things can be made using household items and can save you a bit of cash , A lot of hydro stores stock a lot of things that you think you might need or help you ... Bottom line is ... you need basics with some essencials ... Light ( more the better ) ... Air ( good ventilation via fans and ducting ) ..... Water ( including nutrents to aid your plants growth ) ... Enviroment ( Can just be a box room thats painted white that has good air curculation ) ..... All the other stuff is just stuff that might help you a bit or add to the plants enviroment .

Focus on the basics ... read .... digest it all and take your time .

As for Seeds or plants ..... I would recomend you go with something easy to grow for you first few runs .... you say you need something potent ...and i would asume something that has a quick grow cycle ...... and a high yeild crop ......I would recomend Flying Dutchman Pot Of Gold .... and here is why >>>

Ignore the long flower period ... thats for outdoor grow cycle ... Indoor it can be 8-9 weeks from seed .

Hope all that helps

Learn fast and have fun :)


Sector 5 Moderator
You got some great advice on here; that doesn't usually happen, LOL. Any good strain will take care of pain. I would suggest something easy to grow, potent and not too big. I'm sort of leaning towards a kush of some sort. Some plants get really big and you don't want that in a tent; you need to make sure they are low to medium growing height plants or you're going to be pulling your hair out in a couple of months. Personally I think the 250w HPS is a bit wimpy unless it's a small tent. For a large tent you need at least a 400w or a 600w. A 400w will cover a 4'x4' area and a 600w a 4' x 6' area. Best of luck to you!!

danky budz

Ok so will the 250 watt hps for flower and 250 mh for vegg be fine with these tents? (small for vegg and big for flower) (for vegg) (for flower)

My closet is only 25"x61"x66" and I can only grow six plants in my state since It is all for my own medical. So you guys think these will work for me enough to give me a constant good supply? If so....Think they'll get to hot?