Need help still

Save all your money and stop trying to diagnose because I think you have a junk light. Fix the basics

I agree with Steve. You can find used hps. Even a 400 watt ( equal to most bathroom vanity’s) hps. Go to the pawn shop or hydro store if you have one.
A tent or room is a must. If your just in you house with house lights on it’s pretty obvious that one plant is complete revegging/ light starved.
Find a space and seal off the light. You might need a fan to regulate temp.
Search Craigslist and Facebook marketplaces for used “growing” equipment.
Enclose light or open I'm look at them now holy shit I will save on my electric bill to I'm pulling alot more then then 400 thunder or 1000watts
There no store light that around here like that does it run a high electric bill with all that or you think I'll save on it
Depends where you at obvisoly. But if your worries about a electric than invest in an actual led for horticulture. Mars hydro and spider farmer seem to be the best value for starter leds.
tell yourself that you will need less electricity for heating your house. Here electricity is so cheap it aint really making a difference on my bill. I bought a vivosun 600w hps with a cooled hood reflector under 180$ cad on sale. No more light problems and it was less expensive than my mars hydro ts1000 ( 150w, so i would have needed 2-3 for the same light output)
tell yourself that you will need less electricity for heating your house. Here electricity is so cheap it aint really making a difference on my bill. I bought a vivosun 600w hps with a cooled hood reflector under 180$ cad on sale. No more light problems and it was less expensive than my mars hydro ts1000 ( 150w, so i would have needed 2-3 for the same light output)
I always figure 600 watt cost less than a dollar a day to operate at 12/12