Need help to start growing shrooms please!?

Im 21, and been a marijuana smoker daily since I was 18, and just got the opportunity to try shrooms and I loved them, and I don't have a hookup for any hardly ever, and i don't know when i'll ever get the chance to get more so I looked up growing them, but i can't get the grasp of it. Where can i see how to get started, where to buy everything from, can anyone help me out? Wheres the best place to get spores? and what spores do you prefer? I would love to get started asap. Can anyone send me a good link or video? Thanks you so much!


Well-Known Member
You can buy everything you need at wal mart and gardening stores. the "PF tek" is the easiest for beginners. and are good places. Read as much as you can. golden teachers, equadors, and B+ are super easy for beginners. myco-supply is a good place to buy spores.


Active Member
You can buy everything you need at wal mart and gardening stores. the "PF tek" is the easiest for beginners. and are good places. Read as much as you can. golden teachers, equadors, and B+ are super easy for beginners. myco-supply is a good place to buy spores.
Agreed.. Because of all the information on shroomery and the helpful people there my first grow was a major success! Golden Teacher and B+ are the most forgiving strains for beginers. GL

heres a thread I started when I had so many grow I didn't know how to harvest them all LOL


Active Member
I would definitely check out one of the many mushroom cultivation site located all over the net. Namely , , and . All of these OMC's have excellent information and people that will jump at the opportunity to help fellow mushroom cultivators. You can find me at the first one, shroomology most of the time if I'm not online here. Anyways, just read up there, Mush Zombie has a great write up for starting with bulk for beginners, I will link that for you just because its really easy with fantastic results.

You need to figure out which tek you are going to do. If you have a PC(pressure cooker) then you are able to experiment with damn near any tek you want. If you don't however, you can only mess around with cakes that are steam sterilized in a pot of water. I really recommend you get a pressure cooker, it will only make your life easier. Plus, you can cook your dinner really fast in it, too! You can pick up a fine PC from amazon for relatively cheap. Good size and price, thinking about picking one up myself because my PC is pretty small.

The whole mushroom growing process may seem very alien at first, but trust me, it gets easier. You just need to familiarize yourself with all the common definitions(there is a link in my signature to most all abbreviations/definitions). You could also watch RR's mushroom cultivation videos. He explains a lot in simple to understand language, and its easy to learn the PF tek if you follow his videos. He even goes more in-depth with G2G, and grain/straw spawning. Just keep trying and eventually you will succeed.

Good luck! bongsmilie