Need help uploading animated gif to signature.


I have read through the forums again and again. Google searched again and again. I have come across people who have added animated gifs to signatures and people have even gone as far as telling how to resize your animated gifs (which I already knew how to do).
But nowhere have I seen ANYONE explain how to get the thing uploaded in the first place.
Do I need to know a secret knock or something? Because this seems to be a top secret subject.
Can someone enlighten me please?
Thank you.


Well-Known Member
The size limitation for signature is smaller than limit for regular pics, but go to your 'my profile' page, click 'edit profile picture' then add link as though you were just u-loading a pic.
Sorry, just saw you hadn't done pics yet either.
To post pics, either from comp. or from site like photobucket, click on the paperclip icon for attachments in the top of your text box, and unless you have already uploaded the pic to this site, click 'add files' and another box will open.
If doing straight from your computer, click 'select files', or if from photobucket or something, click 'website' and add link.
After adding your photos, you can click the box at bottom right 'insert online', then when you close that box, and get back to the text box you will see your pics.
Double click the pic to open your editing box, which lets you center and enlarge the pics one by one.


I tried what you suggested, I couldnt find ANYTHING in "my profile" it was in "my rollitup", also could not find anywhere where it said "insert online" so still no joy.. but thank you for the reply.
Also I saw no paper clip for attachments either....