Need help urgent


Hi there fellow growers. I need your help with my problem so here it goes.

My baby is gonna make more or less 60 days at the end of october (this month), it has nice buds. So at early November should be at her peak. But the main problem is i´m going on vacation on the 9th of November and won´t be back till 27th of November. My question is should i wait till i arrive to harvest/cure my plant? If they are at point i could harvest by the the end of october and dry the buds for at least 7 days but what about the cure? i can´t leave them for about 2 weeks in jars without opening the jars. Can i leave the jars a little bit open so that air can circulate? I´m afraid if i don´t harvest by the time i get home it will be way past peak time.

Any ideas?

This is my first time with a problem like this

Many thanks
I'd harvest 10/25 plenty of time to get everything done and when you get back you'll have cured smoke. No don't leave the jars open for 2 weeks


I'd harvest 10/25 plenty of time to get everything done and when you get back you'll have cured smoke. No don't leave the jars open for 2 weeks
Not sure i realize what you said. you telling me to harvest by the 25 of october and cured them until i go off on vacations? and then what? after a few days of curing i can leave the jars closed for my vacations period? I´m not sure if this what you mean?



Well-Known Member
harvest 10-25-

dry from 10-25 (7-10 days depends on climate)
trim-jar b4 11-9

burping from the day you are done canning them
Yeah just cut 10-25 dry for 7-10 days. Get in jars around the 11/2 burp those jars frequently over the first couple days then once a day til you leave. You'll be good to go just make sure that stem is snapping not bending when you leave em jarred up for two weeks. Soulf be plenty of time to get everything done before nov 9 and like I said come back from vacation with cured bud ready to smoke.