Hi Everybody. TY 4 looking at my problem here. I stole this pic off the internet just for comparison, as I do not have a camera.

This is what the first set of true leaves end up looking like on EVERYTHING(watermelon, tomato, cantaloupe, two different kinds of peppers, etc.), that I have been starting, for the last two years, INDOORS ONLY, and after just 2-3 WEEKS. Growth STUNTS, plant DROOPS some, it starts getting a YELLOW tip on the OLDEST set of true leaves, then as the YELLOWING progresses back toward the stem, the tips start turning LIGHT BROWN/DEAD at the tip, slowly following the yellow towards the stem, then when first set is completely dead, it starts, or has just started, with the SECOND NODE that has not even had a chance to get as big as the first leaves yet. I mean EVERY seed I've started, in EVERY soil mix I have tried(any ratio of mediums mentioned below), have died for the last two years now, INDOORS, and has even done so in a few different styles of hydro I used in the past couple years too. Also, I've noticed the veins themselves start to look a little yellow(still green in this pic) when all this happens as well. Any clue as to why guys? TY
All that I have to work with is; a little compost out in the yard, a 13 gal. garbage bag worth of composted bunny poo, a small bag of MG(Miracle Grow brand) perlite, quite a bit of plain course vermiculite, some Scotts Hyponex general potting soil, a small bag of MG cactus mix potting soil, and a small bag of MG seed starting mix. Also, for fertilizers, I have a little Espoma Flower Tone organic fertilizer left, some GH Flora Duo A&B, some GH Rapidstart, some FloraBlend, and some CalMag, and some Sulfur based PH down.
If you need me to fill in a form for the last setup I tried, then I can if you can post the questions for me. TY

This is what the first set of true leaves end up looking like on EVERYTHING(watermelon, tomato, cantaloupe, two different kinds of peppers, etc.), that I have been starting, for the last two years, INDOORS ONLY, and after just 2-3 WEEKS. Growth STUNTS, plant DROOPS some, it starts getting a YELLOW tip on the OLDEST set of true leaves, then as the YELLOWING progresses back toward the stem, the tips start turning LIGHT BROWN/DEAD at the tip, slowly following the yellow towards the stem, then when first set is completely dead, it starts, or has just started, with the SECOND NODE that has not even had a chance to get as big as the first leaves yet. I mean EVERY seed I've started, in EVERY soil mix I have tried(any ratio of mediums mentioned below), have died for the last two years now, INDOORS, and has even done so in a few different styles of hydro I used in the past couple years too. Also, I've noticed the veins themselves start to look a little yellow(still green in this pic) when all this happens as well. Any clue as to why guys? TY
All that I have to work with is; a little compost out in the yard, a 13 gal. garbage bag worth of composted bunny poo, a small bag of MG(Miracle Grow brand) perlite, quite a bit of plain course vermiculite, some Scotts Hyponex general potting soil, a small bag of MG cactus mix potting soil, and a small bag of MG seed starting mix. Also, for fertilizers, I have a little Espoma Flower Tone organic fertilizer left, some GH Flora Duo A&B, some GH Rapidstart, some FloraBlend, and some CalMag, and some Sulfur based PH down.
If you need me to fill in a form for the last setup I tried, then I can if you can post the questions for me. TY
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