need help with a grow closet or cage


Active Member
:wall:i have a 5' x 3' x 4' = 60'3 L x W x H = V wooding closet 2 little fans, 2 FN180sys squirrel cage blower, hygro thermometer, T5 6 Tube Fluorescent Fixture i turned 2 bulb off to drop the temp 76-79 daytime and 72-75 nitetime someone please help me:?:


Well-Known Member
:wall:i have a 5' x 3' x 4' = 60'3 L x W x H = V wooding closet 2 little fans, 2 FN180sys squirrel cage blower, hygro thermometer, T5 6 Tube Fluorescent Fixture i turned 2 bulb off to drop the temp 76-79 daytime and 72-75 nitetime someone please help me:?:
Whats your Q? Temps are fine.


Active Member
fluoresents dont really heat up that much but if heat is a problem make sure u have a good input/output fans