Need help with aeroponics.


Well-Known Member
Have most of it figured out. Do you need to run the spray constantly?? What would be a good cheap container to use? Have thought about a capped gutter, with holes every foot or two. Otherwise looking at small buckets. If you have found any good video's on youtube, please point me to them.

Also, after you use a cloner with 2 inch net pots, what do you move them to next??? Do you put them into a larger net pot, with clay pellets??

There is a ton of info out there, but figuring out who is right is difficult.

Thanks for any help.
Stinkbud has an awesome system; I've built three of his systems and they are killer and you can trust anything he says. I run my cycle at 1 min on and 10 min off. Once your roots grow into a 2" netpot you can't upcan to a larger one; just stick with the 2". You don't want to use clay pellets at all, just suspend them using the neoprene pucks.
Thank you both!!! Mr. Pot Pimp, what kind of timer do you use. I have a pretty good one, and only get 28 events (on or off) a day. Could I use the 10 to 1 ratio, and leave it on for 30 minutes and off for 5 hours? How large of a plant will a 2 inch pot support. I trim a lot, and want to switch to auto-flower, which are between 2 and 6 feet. Looking to move to a RDWC/aero hybrid.
I use a Dne timer. If you leave it off for 5 hours your roots will dry out too much and your plant will die. A 2" net pot will support roughly a 2" diameter stalk, LOL. Let me know if you grow an auto that's anywhere near 6'; they are usually more like 6". I didn't get the link between trimming a lot and switching to autos. Aero and aero hybrids are easy and very effective systems.
One thing I am not thrilled about on this site, is that teks, are 980 pages. On shroomtalk, a tek was the beginning, and comments were made afterwards. It would take a week to get the authors statements.
Thank You, Mr. PotPimp!!!! What sealants can be used in contact with hydro solution? Looked at stinkbuds tek, and went to home depot. Found 5 X 5 vinyl 10 foot fence posts and caps. Does he run the tube in the caps or through the top?? Thinking top would be easier, and not need additional sealant. Is any silicone OK.
if using the fence post they have a vinyl fencs glue in the same section that is by far better than any other adhesive on the end caps. never a leak or breakdown issue over time.
I use a Dne timer. If you leave it off for 5 hours your roots will dry out too much and your plant will die. A 2" net pot will support roughly a 2" diameter stalk, LOL. Let me know if you grow an auto that's anywhere near 6'; they are usually more like 6". I didn't get the link between trimming a lot and switching to autos. Aero and aero hybrids are easy and very effective systems.

I trim to keep plants short for indoor and outdoor, so plants that are 2 to 6 foot, and are not bushy will require less space, and not look suspicious, from a distance.
if using the fence post they have a vinyl fencs glue in the same section that is by far better than any other adhesive on the end caps. never a leak or breakdown issue over time.

I saw that when I was there, but thought something else might be better, since the cap is just to keep rain out.

If a silicone was used, the caps could be removed for cleaning or fixing sprayer problems.

Do you use the system with sprayers only, or do you have recirculating deep water culture also? Also, what size net pots?
teh end cap on the rear of rail is where i used the vinyl glue, so many people had erosion leaks when using silicon and this is the one thing that fixed it. that end cap has no reason to come off, even for cleaning. the front cap is removable for assembly and disassembly, never had to worry about sprayers. my system is aero/nft and i use 2" net pots.