Need help with automated top fed system asap!

Hey dude...I'm in similar circumstances. Tired of hauling water.

But first man...a month is too long to expect to leave your garden unattended. You would need a 500 gal res for one thing...unless you have a float and a keep full system.

To say nothing of the safety issue. Just sayin'...

If you go the manifold route, be sure to get the adjustable ones since you have different pot sizes.
Good luck,

Hey JohnDee.. I never said i would be out of town or away from the grow for a month... I will be gone for 4 to 5 days.
Hey JohnDee.. I never said i would be out of town or away from the grow for a month... I will be gone for 4 to 5 days.

Hi Psb,
Went back and re-read. Apparently when you wrote "going on vacation in a month" I read that as for a month. Reading too fast.

4 or 5 days is totally doable. While growing in Iowa a decade ago...I had to be away from my plants for three I had to be creative. I set up a wick system with a 30 gallon res. float and keep full system. Plants didn't look so great when I returned...but all alive.

My current grow room is sort of split...half coco and the other half I have 4 Waterfarm hydro units. So I'm getting a 6 valve orbit splitter and setting up auto top drip for the coco plants.

I saw an idea for setting up irrigation pump with a valved return pipe that acts as waterfall. Plus as you adjust the waterfall, it inversely sets pressure to the plants. I'm thinking like cheapo 24 hour timer with 15 minute increments. Set it for a single 15 minute feed...and then adjust the pump pressure so it delivers the correct volume to each coco pot. Questions? A more sophisticated digital timer would be better...but they're sort of a hassle to set.
Later...and thanks for correcting me,
So I got to thinking, can I just do this with one main line and like a 2100gph pump? What has really caught my attention is these PC emitters, from what I am reading they can be used at any elevation and no more need to worry about the plants in the back getting less water than the plants in the front, supposedly it equalizes everything...

Also, another idea I had pop into my head is how would sitting a 40 gallon barrel inside of a 35 gallon tote, and cut holes in bottom of barrel to share and combine the reservoir into one all while saving space??


Lol its al good man, I am a skimmer too.

I looked into wic system but too much risk.
Those splitters come with an unvalved unit but also have one with a valve on each output. That allows you to balance the plants feedings. Even possible to do different sized pots.

On the psi question...not sure if there's a direct conversion. Just look at the manufacturers specs. If you see a head pressure spec...that's how high it will pump. Peripherally related to psi...
Most setups I see have the splitter riser (1/2" pvc pipe) sticking up in the middle of the garden. That way each line can be close to the same length...making balancing easier...
So basically how do I know what kind of pump I need and how many gph? Let's say, I have 34 plants, 3 gallon pots, all using pressure compensating emitters... How do I calculate the GPH to go with my plants? From what I am reading the CP emitters need higher pressure than other types of emitters do.
Also how do I know which size of emitters I go with as in what gph emitters? are severely overcomplicating things. Emitters are for a different sort of system...high pressure aeroponics. You just want a water/feed delivery system. I am going to run the tube to a stake and stick a 1/4" Tee on the end so the solution goes left and right.

Far as pump size...look around the forums and see what others use. Ask a few questions. OK for me, Lets say I have 6 3 gallon pots...each one getting 3 quarts a day. So three gallons delivered in 15 minutes would be 12 gallons per hour. Of course there's goint to be loss from the resistance of pumping against the tubing.

I bought an eco 185 which pumps over 150 GPH but part of that flow will power my waterfall too...
So you are just recommending that I use open lines to feed without emitters? And I kinda have to disagree, emitters are used on drip irrigation setups, most people use them. I dont know a whole lot about aeroponics, but I assure you that emitters are used on drip irrigation. Almost every setup tutorial I see use emitters.

I'm still with you though, whatever is easiest works best for me. The reason I am so interested in the PC emitters is simply because they allow equal water delivery to all plants exactly the same. I just don't want to build a manifold type system with pvc... I just want basic straight main line from reservoir to end of room with spaghetti lines going to each plant. With PC emitters I would be able to do this, without worrying that all hoses are cut evenly in length and that one plant is getting more than the other.

This is how I solved my problem. 30W aquarium pump in a 60L bucket, some hose and orbit manifold and black silicone tube.

Do those multi outlet drip emitters evenly distribute the water regardless of the hose length? I am now stuck between using one of those, or using a manifold type system, basically a loop around the room using elbows for the 4 corners. Also what size main drip line is best? Nice setup ya got there.

Do those multi outlet drip emitters evenly distribute the water regardless of the hose length? I am now stuck between using one of those, or using a manifold type system, basically a loop around the room using elbows for the 4 corners. Also what size main drip line is best? Nice setup ya got there.

Each outlet has a screw to set the flow. I'm using 1/2" garden hose from pump to manifold and 4/6mm silicone tubes from manifold to the pot.

If you're building a manifold yourself make sure you have valve on each outlet to set the flow.
Each outlet has a screw to set the flow. I'm using 1/2" garden hose from pump to manifold and 4/6mm silicone tubes from manifold to the pot.

If you're building a manifold yourself make sure you have valve on each outlet to set the flow.

Could you link me to the valves you are talking about? Are they adjustable??
Can't link you since I never used a manifold like this but seen my buddy using it and worked great.

Well, if it's a valve, can it be adjustable?

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The orbits I'm using are $12 for 2

Lol no, wasn't meaning is the valve adjustable, I meant is the manifold adjustable?

Have you heard much about the manifold I was recommended to in the beginning of the thread? The DIGcorp manifolds?
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Ok, I have finally figured this whole thing out guys. I want to thank each and everyone of you for your help and also for not judging me for my extreme lack of education on hydro/drip irrigation knowledge and experience.

Makes me come off as a novice haha but no, that's not true at all, I have been growing the herb for going on 18 years now... Just where I come from in the Appalachian hills and hollers, we stick with that good ole fashioned back breaking toting and hauling water. But I'm retiring that trend, and moving up to something easier, more effective and efficient.

I do need to figure one more thing out though, I need to figure out if what I am thinking on pump size is correct or not. This article I read says you need approximately -65 GPH per plant. Does this sound correct to you guys? If so this means I will need a 2,200gph pump? In my opinion it sounds overkill but I'm not sure... Any recommendations on a good cost effective pump? Will swimming pool pumps work? Is there a certain type of pump I need to be looking for??

Also, will I need a pressure regulator on my main line?? I found a nice pressure regulator that keeps the pressure at a maximum of 25psi, is anti-siphoning and has a built in filter as well. Has 5 star reviews, so I'm sure it's a great piece.

The way I plan on running this is, a 45 gallon barrel, placed down inside of a 35 gallon tote with holes cut into bottom of barrel to maximize reservoir capacity. Should work and would make things way more compact and tidier...

From there I have my main line going straight into a "tee" fitting, splitting off in both left/right directions into an elbow, then each side to the end of the room, straight into elbows again to recirculate the system and give me equal amounts of pressure to both front and back of room.

Not sure yet if I am gonna use PC emitters, adjustable 360 or 180 emitters, or just plain ole open drip line... also, cant say I have figured out what size emitters to use either as far as gph is concerned... I need help with the few things I have listed here and i think I will finally be able to get all my shit ordered, delivered by Tuesday, installed and fully functional by Wednesday and then off on my 4-5 day trip on Thursday...

Can anyone draw me up a well informed conclusion with answers to this please??? I would really appreciate it. I am learning a lot as I go and look into this. I have always known how drip irrigation worked, always wanted to try it but for the first time in the last 2 days I have just started studying it. It's getting easier and coming together the more I read. I'm just trying to get together the most cost effective, most efficient and proven system together before it's too late and I have to leave... Whatever route I take, I plan on it lasting at least a few more grows... if it needs any tweaks I can work on those when I return home, I am just trying to get thru those 5 days for now... Thanks everyone!
I really like the idea of those outlets. What kind of emitters do you recommend and what size pump, type of timer, size of hoses, etc... sorry man but I am a complete idiot when it comes to drip irrigation, i don't know jack about it buddy

i think my pump is 300gph roughly. i don't use emitters, just the tubing with a brass tee on the end to weight it down. timer is just a digi one 7 day timer. about 5 to 7 mins once a day gives me about 20% runoff