Need Help with building reservoir for my DWC bucket..

I have to leave my baby for a couple days, but I have to top her off twice daily because she has so much root mass I can only fit 2 gallons in the bucket.
So, I muslearn to build a reservoir that will auto fill her. DSC00078.jpg
Thats a xxl homebox fyi.
Thanks for any help!
I made this bubble bucket off of Rumpleforeskins Lets Build a Bubble Bucket *Step by Step*. Hes the man!

fred flintstoned

Well-Known Member
That's going to be real hard to do at this point. Only thing I can think of a slow drip from an elevated bucket or maybe an 18 gallon tub. Gravity fed. Maybe you can rig some thing like what they use in an IV drip to control the flow. Know any nurses? Maybe they can hook you up with some thing you can adapt with connectors from the sprinkler department at Lowes.
Thanks alot Caddyluck! That should do the trick. Its not too late Fred.I'll just set it up on a new bucket and pick her up with the lid and place it in the newly contsructed system. Will post pic of system when I'ts completed. Thanks again!


Active Member
why not get a huge rubbermaid, cut a hole in the rubbermaid lid the size of a bucket lid, and just sit the one lid on top of the other. Get something you can fit 18 gallons or something into.
That's a great idea! I might give it a try! Today is the day I have to make something happen. Just had work out transportation. Thanks for the replies :)


Active Member
I think a rubbermade container big enough for your bucket to sit in.Run a small pump to your sprayers.Put the pump on a timer and your done.Good Luck on your grow!Stay Happy,Healthy,and High>>


Well-Known Member
what i do with my system is i have all my buckets connected together w/ a control bucket where i can add my nutrients and and check my ppm/ph from just one bucket. the level in the control will be the level in your buckets. i have a float valve in the control bucket so that when the water level goes down, it gets topped off automatically from my 32 gal. res.
Thanks for the reply Jalis! I ended up going with SFLmage's recommendation. However I would love to some day construct a reservoir with a float valve. Well here she is, the Love of my Life, in her new home!
DSC00081.jpgDSC00080.jpg4 weeks in
props for that huge plant J. Good idea to use the tote just for the sake of giving those roots more room and I still recommend the float valve idea its fairly cheap. You could buy a 50 gal roughneck jumbo tub for $20, a float valve for $5-10, a bulkhead fitting for $2-3 and some hose for $5 and leave town for over a week if you wanted just make sure to ph the secondary res @ a lil under 5.5 to compensate for ph rising.