need help with clones


I have been having trouble getting my clones to root and they have also been getting brown fuzzy mold on some. my success rate has been roughly 50% using trays with domes. Switched from grodan to oasis cubes this time around but still has been 3 weeks plus. the temp in the room was getting low when the lights were off in there so bought some heat mats today to try and help. I still dont know why i get the fuzzy mold maybe i forgot to take the domes off to let them breath im not sure what it is i still spray them with dr zymes, green clean, or plant therapy weekly any help, tips, or links on cloning in trays would be appreciated, thanks.
Dip it in rooting hormone, push it into damp coco coir in a pot, put half a plastic coke bottle over the top.
Mist it every day, pull the coke bottle off after 5 days and feed low level nuits.
When I first started growing I was ask to do a bunch of clones for a friend...ended up doing over a hundred clones on my first attempt at growing.
My area was limited for stores and supplies so I had to find ways to over come some hurdles that came up. Here is what has worked well for me.
1- I cut the cubes down so they don't hold as much water. I kept having problems like you where they stayed wet far too long and either started molding or took forever to root.
->Cut the cube(s) into a tube shape.
->Cut the tube(s) in half to make 2 pucks from 1 cube.
->Filled in the center holes with the scrap pieces from cutting into tubes.
2- I then made up trays that would allow the puck(s) and cutting(s) to be raised up so I couldn't over water as easily.
basic tray info.png20190419_184529.jpg
3- I put the plant cutting(s) into dry puck(s) and set them in a dish of water until fully saturated. Usually takes about a minute or less. (I give everything a quick spray down once the tray is filled up and put dome on...spray the dome too)
4- Some times I don't use the top/dome, but for small or fragile cuttings it helps.
->When pucks dry 80-90% (not 100% dry) I then soak the pucks again in a dish like in step 3.
->Don't spray the cutting(s), just the dome, daily if no condensation is seen.
->After a few days start to remove the dome from short periods to longer periods of time over the course of a few more days until its no longer needed. (If cutting starts to wilt, cover back up right away.)
Within 10-14 days you should start seeing roots come through the sides of the puck(s).
Hope that made
Good luck and happy growin' :P
I had a well known individual on here that told me to put a drop of bleach into a quart of water to help control bad shit from growing and it works well
Warmth is important and humidity levels need to be high enough to sustain moisture in the cuttings. Cleanliness from the start is also a must.
Its easy... You have to keep humidity high at the top and low at the bottom.

Do it in a dome, but dont have your root area sitting on the bottom. Just soaks up excess water and rots the roots.

Raising my clones off the bottom took me from 35% success to 90%
I have perlite on the bottom of the trays but I’ll use more next time to give more space for water to drain. Also I have some clear Rez I used on ez cloner I’ll try should work better/safer than bleach right?
Yes, bleach is cheap but effective. Need to rinse bleach really well after. Not familiar with Rez but people use peroxide.
I'm having major troubles with my clones too, its depressing and not fun :(
Why what's going on? don't use bleach. Soak your cubes. Let your dome steam up before you cut. Feed your mothers a day or 2 before cutting. Cut em, scrape em, stick em in the gel, stick em in the cube. Remove the dome for 30 seconds 1 time per day and mist 1x per day for the first 2 days. Heating pad on flat surface like concrete conducts heat better than say a milk crate and steams up better. Any deficiencys or pests will make them harder to root. Nitrozyme can help root faster if you aren't using it already, contains kelp.
I use root riot cubes with this tray.
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Sounds to me your keeping the clones to wet. Does your humidity dome have vents? Also is your heat mat connected to a temp controller?
Ditch the sprays and the rockwool go with root riot or rapid rooters wet them cut clone dip in cloex stick in plug 10 days later roots
Wear gloves! Don't skip.
Litteraly cut required clones and put straight into water, it's nice like this because you can change them around and size the same etc. Once happy dip into Clonex and straight in the plugs in the tray provided. Put under a dome for 7 to 10 days under 125cfl. Lift lid daily to check plugs are just moist but never saturated and spray all over including underside of lid. 100% success rate every time. If you leave some water under the tray with a tiny bit of feed in by 10 to 14 days they are in the water under and going mental. I used to over do clones incase some didn't take but honestly even some slow burners all go within 14 days.
I've done some reading

I Think, I have a solution to my problem

First off
1. I'm switching my mothers back to 24h lights from 18/6.. I'd like my mothers to be full of nutrients

2. But most importantly and I think is my biggest problem.. I think I'm shaving the ends down to aggressively.... a lighter scrape might be all I need...

I knew you had to scrape but didnt realize it had to be do fragile, I must have gotten complacent from when I started until now, shaving harder and harder without realizing and expecting the same result

Fingers crossed

"Lightly scrape the skin aroung split stem to expose more of the cambium layer.
The cambium layer is where the plant generates roots."

"Basically the reason to scrape is to remove the outer layer of skin since roots start from inside and have to break through the tough skin which takes a lot of energy. By scraping, and not too deep or it won't root, you provide a lower energy way to get more roots faster"

Cambian=a layer of delicate meristematic tissue between the inner bark or phloem and the wood or xylem, which produces new phloem on the outside and new xylem on the inside in stems, roots, etc., originating all secondary growth in plants."
I just tried to clone the bit I just topped.
Dipped it in hormone, stuck it in wet coco put half a Pepsi bottle over the top.
It did nothing for 2 weeks, then suddenly started growing, it's even got shoots coming out of the coco.
No scraping, no leaf trimming.
Make'er Grow and Kushumpeng give the right advice, let the base dry out.