Need help with compost recipe

Mos Eisley

Im trying to compost using a mix of Guano, vermiculite, bone meal, blood meal, and a mix of trace copper and other elements is there any organic addatives i should be adding into the mix?
Key to good compost is airing it out.. Turn your compost pile on a regular, this will help it break down faster and help prevent it from turning sour.
If you are trying to make your soil more rich, maybe look into vermicomposting.. You can really fine tune your castings with what you feed your worms.
The best compost is grass clippings
This is what I'm using. Plus kitchen/ garden scraps, pine needles with some leaves. I've got hay in there too, and some leftover cracked corn and sweet feed that had gotten a little moldy. It's my first pile. I think my ratios are good. I added some mushroom compost but I think I added too much so when i stir it up I’ve been adding more grass clippings every time. I've got another pile going that is just grass clippings but was going to add some cardboard to it.
Main thing with composting is you want to make sure you have the right ratio of green to brown.. too much green and shit turns south quick.. to much brown and it wont break down as fast.

A ratio of 1 part green to 3 parts brown is around the right mix.. Stick with this ratio, turn your compost regularly and you will be just fine.
Look on Craig’slist and OfferUp too.

I live in a city and I found someone down the street giving away horse poo. I picked up 90gallons of it. Now I just have to age it for another month. Gross stuff but free.