Need help with DWC slime on my roots PICS


Active Member
SANY0296.jpgSANY0297.jpgSANY0299.jpgSANY0301.jpgMy Veg setup..
2 x dwc buckets
2 x round airstones
hydrofarm air pump
4 x 23w CFL on the one tub im using at the moment.

Im using GH 3 part at quarter strength. 1/4 tsp superthrive. I also add h2o2 but i only have the 3% at the moment.

Anyway i've had this clone (PB SKUNK) in this setup for 2 weeks and it finally built a good root system.I changed my water a few days 5.5. Now all of the sudden i go this slime on my roots. So i flushed it last night and gave it new nutes and new water and cleaned everything out with bleach.

Now its back. Anyone know what im dealing with and/or how to get rid of it?

Sorry for the shitty pictures...


Active Member
Yeah i gotta paint my lid. Thats the only part of the tub that sees light. My water is 77 right now and my cab stays at about 78


had the same problem with mine bought my water temp down to 68 degrees and started using h202 with every water change cleared it up by the 2nd week


Well-Known Member
77 is to high. I have some slimyness but its from my floralicious plus i use. I keep my rez temps below 70 at all costs. When you have high rez temps the ability for water to hold oxygen diminishes rapidly with every degree. I would put money on the rez temps being way to high and your roots/plant are suffering because of lack of oxygen.


Well-Known Member
oh...If I were you I would cover the buckets in aluminum tape and the lids. It will help deflect the heat and keep your rez temps cooler. You might also try dropping your cab temps to the low 70s. I keep my grow room no warmer than 75deg and it will get to 68 or so when the lights are cycled off. I also use hygrozyme. It helps eat any decay you have floating around.
Please help...I am in week 5 of flowering. Hydro store rec that i use molasses. I did. 2 days later i have slime in one res on my roots. not over the entire thing but at the bottom. I changed the water.ran it for 30min just pure water. added some nutes (no molasses). now i want to know what should I add to my res to help the roots out. i would hate to loose them at this point we only have 4 weeks to go :(
i just noticed today as i was checking my res level that my roots were covered in this tannish slime as was the airstone. so i hurried and washed the slime off and added new water and nutrients, but will that be enough to keep it away? what is this stuff and what does it come from? I need to know because i want to know what not to do so i can avoid it. what will happen to your plants if left untreated.?