Need Help With Flowering Stage Please


Hows it goin everyone im still on my 1st grow and i posted about a month ago needin some help. We now into the flowering stage of our garden and here are the measurments of our babies.

Plant 1: 32 inches tall
Plant 2: 32 inches tall
Plant 3: 28 inches tall
Plant 4: 22 inches tall

We had some mess ups in the beginning of our grow such as no fans or nutrients or correct temps or ph levels for water.

We are now setting our waters ph levels to about 6.0-6.5 and we are using tap water.

The nutrients we are using at the moment are:

Botanicare Power Plant (3-1-4)
Botanicare Blast Off (0-0.1-0.1)

We have been using these nutes since the veg stage. What should we change during the flowering stage within our nutes?

We also would like some help on clipping/trimming. Which leaves and how many should we cut/trim?

We also need to know how often and how much to water our plants. We are on a basic soil grow using hand watering methods.

We need any help we can use due to the fact that this is our 1st grow and i would like to expand my crop within the future.

Heres some pics of our babies.



Well-Known Member
1. your plants are streched.
add more light or lower the light to the plants.

2. Your plants height needs to be adjusted to level them up. That way you can use your light way more efficiently.
you can do that by topping, LST (trying down branches), Supercropping (softening of the stems to bend them), SCROG (screen of green - threading the stems in a screen that is set to a certain level. you can check my journal for an example) etc.

3. for flowering you would need a high P fertilizer.
If you get the botanicare fertilizer, here is the chart:

It suggests using the blast off all the way.

What is your medium?


Well-Known Member
What should we change during the flowering stage within our nutes?

We also would like some help on clipping/trimming. Which leaves and how many should we cut/trim?

We also need to know how often and how much to water our plants. We are on a basic soil grow using hand watering methods.
for flowering you want a nute with high "p" like 5-10-5 or similar.

trimming the plant is kinda controversial - some swear by it, some against. my vote is to leave the plant alone as the leaves are the part of the plant that absorbs light.

no reason to change how you have been watering if it works for you. one simple method is to water when the soil is dry to the touch a couple of inches down. another way is to water when your pot feels light.


Well-Known Member
forgot about the other questions.

You should remove only dead leaves.
If the leaf is still intact and your removing it your damaging the power supply of the plant.
Its stupid.

I don't know a single decent grower who trims his leaves.

you should water the plant when the pot becomes light and the top inch of soil in crusty dry.
If you put your finger 3" in the pot and it comes out with some soil stuck to it - it has enough moisture.
when you do water you should water until you see a minimal runoff coming. i give around 5% runoff to flow regularly.
Using a tray to catch excess water is a great thing - it lets the plant suck off the water it needs as it needs it.

The best watering method to me is watering until the catch tray is almost full and then water again a hour and a half later.

If you need to water more than once every 3 days your mix is either way too fluffy (probably by adding way too much perlite) or you plant is rootbound.
Thats usually a sign that you need to transplant.


Alright so I have lowered their lighting to decrease the upwards growth and i also have removed the power plant nutrients from my food supply. I am now only using Blast off until i visit my local hydro store to get flower power.

any help with this flowering stage and any advice is very much appreciated my friends.

I would also like to make the flowering process speed up a bit, if anyone has any suggestions i would appreciate them very much :) thx


bud bootlegger
theres not really all that much that you can do to speed up flowering time.. nature is a funny thing like that.. she likes to do things at her own pace.. slow as that maybe sometimes.. only thing that you can really do is try to stick with an indica dom strain rather than a sativa strain that will finish flowering sooner..


theres not really all that much that you can do to speed up flowering time.. nature is a funny thing like that.. she likes to do things at her own pace.. slow as that maybe sometimes.. only thing that you can really do is try to stick with an indica dom strain rather than a sativa strain that will finish flowering sooner..

OOO that is very true my good sir...mother nature is a very picky female sometimes...


Well-Known Member
to speed up flowering use a strong light close to the plants, keep light leaks to a minimum and don't stunt its growth by overnuting.

its more like how to not slow it down rather than speeding it.


To speed flowering up a little, you might want try giving them 36 hours of darkness before going to 12 x 12.


Active Member
What type of light are you using and whats the wattage? This will help us determine how high that light should be. You should definately switch over to flowering soon, well depending on how big you want them. But you don't want them out growing your grow space or your what your light can cover for that matter. Those girls will possibly triple in size when switched to 12/12. Hit them with a flowering nute high in phoshporus and potassium right before switching and every third water after that. There are many good organic flowering nutes with easy to use instructions out there, just start off with a lower strength solution then build up observing how the plant reacts :weed:

Fox Farms a trusted brand. Good luck. I'm off to medicate, check out my grow journal for an idea of the stretch that can occur. Linked below bongsmilie


What type of light are you using and whats the wattage? This will help us determine how high that light should be. You should definately switch over to flowering soon, well depending on how big you want them. But you don't want them out growing your grow space or your what your light can cover for that matter. Those girls will possibly triple in size when switched to 12/12. Hit them with a flowering nute high in phoshporus and potassium right before switching and every third water after that. There are many good organic flowering nutes with easy to use instructions out there, just start off with a lower strength solution then build up observing how the plant reacts :weed:

Fox Farms a trusted brand. Good luck. I'm off to medicate, check out my grow journal for an idea of the stretch that can occur. Linked below bongsmilie

Were running a 275 watt mH light right now. they are a purps strands. the stems are all massively purple and im not sure if they are a kush or what. We got botanicare power flower to start the flowering stage. we have switched to 12/12 2 days ago and they already starting to bud. we were told to support them with nylon string and bamboo sticks. any advice on this??


Active Member
Were running a 275 watt mH light right now. they are a purps strands. the stems are all massively purple and im not sure if they are a kush or what. We got botanicare power flower to start the flowering stage. we have switched to 12/12 2 days ago and they already starting to bud. we were told to support them with nylon string and bamboo sticks. any advice on this??
The lights can probably be around 18" above the plants and be perfect, just keep an eye on how they react and lower accordingly. How high is it right now? You should have your fan moving air above and below the plant, but not directly on them. Bamboo sticks work great I use them all the time, very durable. Try sticks them threw the pot if possible, be careful not to damage roots. Gently tie branches up or down as needed. :joint:
Co2 Helps Speed Up The Process A Few Days - Peace
Alright so I have lowered their lighting to decrease the upwards growth and i also have removed the power plant nutrients from my food supply. I am now only using Blast off until i visit my local hydro store to get flower power.

any help with this flowering stage and any advice is very much appreciated my friends.

I would also like to make the flowering process speed up a bit, if anyone has any suggestions i would appreciate them very much :) thx


Well-Known Member
Ok, based on the sizes your plants are aleady at i think you are going to discover that your light isn't going to cover them well enough during flowering. My plants go into flowering at around 24" and my 600w can barely cover enough area for 6 of them at a time (which is why I'm going to be adding another light to the flowering room), so I would highly suggest you get at least one other HID light to supplement the 275 your running now.