Need help with FOX FARM


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone. For some reason that beats me I cant find fox farm soil anywhereee in toronto(YES I NAMED MY LOCATION...Who gives a fuck right?) I find that crazy because Its easy to find the fertz. Soo I ended up making my own soil.
2 parts seedling soil
1 part perlite
1 part vermiculite
dash of bloodmeal
dash of dolmite lime(spelling wrong)

Now this being said I am wanting to use fox farm for my liquid fertz and I have no idea what one to get or how to apply. Can someone pleaseeeee help a brother out.


You’re from Canada: buy promix bx, basically the same thing.

Go to the fox farm website and download their fertilizer chart and print it. It’s a good outline for using both their liquid and dry fertilizers.


Well-Known Member
I looked at the chart but it looks rather powerful from what some people told me. Also no idea if i should fert my seedlings a bit. Or just let it soak up the bloodmeal for now...


When I germinate seeds I use dixie cups, promix, and a few pinches of Azomite. I don’t fertilize until I get about 5 paired nodes and then I use big bloom. No big grow until transplanted into 3 or 5 gallon pots – unless something went wrong.