Pics ?
With your medium setup ( coco / perlite ) , i would use 1 tsp of Tiger Bloom
PLUS 1 tsp of Gro Big til end.
You can STILL use Big Bloom at 1 tsp pergallon.
So your mix will be of these 3 at a ratio per gallon of PH water.
Your medium does not have buffers to control PH so dial water to 6.3.
As far as flushing - STOP UNTIL FINAL WEEK.
Fox Farm does salt up but , you are going into later flower stage and it just stresses her , when she should JUST BLOOM WITHOUT DRAMA. Leaves will fade or look like a problem but no worries as these 3 weeks the main focus will be getting mass to the flowers.
Next run use the Fox Farm schedule and go by 1/2 strength on all nutes until you become
accustomed to how concentrated this nute line is. I personally NEVER go over 1/2 strength myself. Overfeeding your girls doesn't make them produce more , its just a waste of product. You are just looking for the middle ground BASED ON THE MEDIUM YOU ARE USING.
Soil is different , straight perlite is different , so on and so on.
These photos were taken Sunday-Monday 5-22 through 5-23-16
The bud's pistols are still white and im near week 7.
Leafs are too dark for my liking, plus the leaf's stems keep turning purple... nitrogen toxicity???
The plant of the right side did experience the "claw" although i was having heat problems at the time... since then i got a bigger grow tent (fixing my heat problem) and the "claws" have went away...
Thanks Buddha ! Yesterday i gave each plant 1/2 gallon( I always try to PH the water around 6) of nutes 2 tsp of bigbloom, 1tsp Tiger bloom, 1.5 tsp grow big, 1tsp Cal-mag per gallon.
I was following the hydro foxfarm feed schedule week 10, but did almost half of the recommended dose...
Next time I feed ill follow your feed advice because i think it was alittle too much for the plants