Need Help with Hot Temps

Daniel Stanzione

Active Member
Now that spring has fully sprung my temperatures are getting out of control. 94 degrees seems pretty unacceptable. So basically I have no choice but to purchase 1-2 AC unit(s), seems like the only solution. So the question then becomes:

What kind of AC unit should i purchase?

My space is somewhat limited so I cant be getting anything huge and bulky. What are the things i should be considering when i make this purchase? What makes one better than another? 94 degrees seems way to high, maybe if i was using CO2 this would be ok? I am not using CO2, but i would be interested to hear if people think 94 degrees would be ok if I was using CO2. Also, i use closed cabinets in the flower room to do my drying in, the humidity in the room is at 50-60% ussually, which i assume is fine, but will the high temps hurt my budds while they are drying?

Thanks in advance.
I agree, 94 might be kinda high...
You didn't mention this, but maybe you can try reverse your light schedule before summer comes along? That might help keep temps down during the day time.

Also, What size is your room? It might be helpful if you posted the dimensions. I'm assuming its an actual 10x10x8 or so room, since you have your drying closet in the room. With 100 square feet, 5000 btu air conditioner is recommended (google search for btu calculator), but on the low end. (these all run less than 100 used, and most are window units).
Some of the newer air conditioners are also decently priced, you can find these at like home depot, or any home improvement sale. The newer units are more energy efficient too, this might save you a good amout of money over the course of time. I saw 7000-9000 units for 250-300 new at home depot recently.
I still think 94 degree high is too high, plants will live... but its not optimal temps co2 or no co2.
High temps will not hurt your buds, it'll only make then dry faster (although TOO fast drying is also not good so lower temps are prefered), high humidity on the other hand will.

*Personally I think I also might invest in a small unit (used under $80) this summer to keeps temps at check.. global warming -__- But so far I've been okay keeping my room closed during the day(night cycle), and then I open a window and blow the hot air out of my room using a big box fan at night, keeps temps below 80 where I live. (at least for now..)
Good luck! :)


Well-Known Member
You're fighting a losing battle, get the AC. If you can't keep your temps below 90 at the peak of the hottest days with your ventilation system, then adding co2 won't fix your issue. If you can keep temps under 90, then it's doable but you have to contain that co2 as well as vent the room (unless you get the AC). Get the AC.


Active Member
i agree ... just get a small a/c unit and let her rip . Its not worth burning your babies up looking for alternatives

Daniel Stanzione

Active Member
the flower room is 10x10x11. Veg room is 8x10x10. Both rooms are 90+. A window unit is not possible for me. Hopefully they make units that do not require a window.

Daniel Stanzione

Active Member
How many lights?
Soil or Hydro?
How many plants?
Current ventilation set up?
Is the spot occupied?

4 1000 watt HPS's
24-30 plants at a time
Have a carbon air filter in the room, not sure on the exact size of it, but its rather large, its about 3 feet tall.
It is in a residential home in the basement in a fully dry walled room, dry walled ceiling. There is a window, but not one that could be used for an AC unit.


Well-Known Member
Do you have air cooled hoods? Don't use the carbon filter for ventilation, sit an 8" fan on top of it and sit it on a chair or hang it from the celling and let the fan blow in the room. HydroFarm makes a 12,000 btu A/C unit thats nice @ $550 ea one or two of those should do the trick. You can also do a real nice sealed ice box room like this one : but that is a pretty big investment at least $1000.


Active Member
i think if you just pipe some of the heat off to a vent you would drop to 70-80s.... its trappedin there... my room has two fans circulating air all the time and it is open vnt wise to a full basement. carbon filter is on the inline fan to keep my house from stinkin like a skunk fight. lol nothing goes outside but its vented out of the room anyhow..... just doing anything you can to get air moving will help..... nad it will also help with humidity.

Buddy Ganga

Active Member
Get a portable a/c unit that also comes with a dehumidifier.
Make sure you get one that has a higher then needed btu out put so it doesn't have to work as hard to keep the temps down.

Here is an example, it sits any where. No need for windows etc..{keyword}

Some even come with build in heaters to help in the cold months.

Problem solved!

Daniel Stanzione

Active Member
OK so i went and got an AC unit, a 10,500 BTU unit. I hooked up the AC unit with the exhaust to the window. Problem is now that the air blowing out the window reeks like marijuana which is pretty unacceptable. Also the window is now illuminated at night which could draw attention and thats obviously not good.

If i vent the AC unit back into the same room its just going to be countering the AC with hot air coming out the back right? I could cut a hole in the wall and vent it out into the basement, but then my whole house is going to reek like marijuana, and that is not acceptable.

I need to make it so my house does not smell, but also the temp needs to come down, because it is at like 92. Can i use the AC unit that i purchased without raping my house with stench?

this is what i got:

Is there a better option than using this AC unit? I also do not want to be spending over 500 dollars on some crazy contraption.


Active Member
what kind of window is it and can you paint it black. Charcoal filter for the exhaust will kill the smell.

Daniel Stanzione

Active Member
are u suggesting that i attach a small carbon air filter to the exhaust hose of the AC unit? I am not really sure how that would work?

I have a large carbon air filter in the room currently that daisy chains through the 4, 1000 watt lights, and then up and out of the room. But the air in the room still has a smell, just not so much that it makes the house smell, the smell stays contained into the locked area pretty well. But if i vent the AC unit out of the room that air being vented out has not been scrubbed yet by my carbon air filter and therefore its still super stinky.