Need Help with indoor growing. (Pics inside)

This is my current setup. I am not exactly sure if i am doing it right.
These plants were originally grown outdoors. I had to move them inside to due parents having an aggricultural license.. (sometimes inspecters come by... dont want them to see them!)

I dont know what strain it is, and i apologize if the pictures are too dark. They have been growing for around a month or more now =/
I dont remember what kind of light it is, but i remember it being a "grow light"

I hope it works. Any advice would be appreciated. Especially how long i could expect for it to produce bud, and if i need to improve. (the other 2 pots contains seeds, just waiting on them lol)

also.. im a bit cautious about putting up photos... =S

would also like to add, im just growing them in peat moss soil, and watering them with... water. I added Rose fertilizer (it was around the house) which looks like small pebbles to the top of the soil, just a small amount.

Do i need to put them in bigger pots? (the ones in the ceramic pots that is)


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
This is my current setup. I am not exactly sure if i am doing it right.
These plants were originally grown outdoors. I had to move them inside to due parents having an aggricultural license.. (sometimes inspecters come by... dont want them to see them!)

I dont know what strain it is, and i apologize if the pictures are too dark. They have been growing for around a month or more now =/
I dont remember what kind of light it is, but i remember it being a "grow light"

I hope it works. Any advice would be appreciated. Especially how long i could expect for it to produce bud, and if i need to improve. (the other 2 pots contains seeds, just waiting on them lol)

also.. im a bit cautious about putting up photos... =S
pot size is ok.youneed to get the light closer they are strethingfor the light. from what i see in the pics being darki would say if youwere to start flowering nowan oz may oz 1/2 dryed. but get that light closer.:hump:


Active Member
Ok first of all, i'd be very cautious about growing in my parents home.

It looks like you have 4 plants going, two per pot. The general rule is one plant per pot because if you have more than one their roots will tangle and cause you problems.

You need to have your light closer to your plants because those looked very stretched. As close a possible, with floro tubes you can get them very close, inches away and be fine. I'm going to assume you are growing in your room out in the open. You need some type of cabinet to grow in if you are living in the room.

Why type of light schedule are you using? <-- grow FAQ lots of useful info.

If you are serious about growing then read everything you can to get the most knowledge as possible. And ask questions here on RUI.


Active Member
are those clones? why are all the leaves chopped off?? and ya stick them in those big green per pot..they will do fine..get some cfls or more floros...
and your scared bout putting pics,but your not scared about registering with a marijuana forum and talking about what you have in your house...funny
are those clones? why are all the leaves chopped off?? and ya stick them in those big green per pot..they will do fine..get some cfls or more floros...
and your scared bout putting pics,but your not scared about registering with a marijuana forum and talking about what you have in your house...funny

haha my rents are avid smokers as well, my stepdad was the one who mentioned to put them away lol!

I believe the leaves are gone because my brother is also helping me grow them and removed them because they were dead and yellow or something (they were outside for a while and im guessing the heat got to them.. living in FL its HOT)

Im going to put one plant outside, and while planting i put about 6 or 7 seeds per pot thinking some wouldnt grow. (just seeds from bud i had purchased)

Im a very much a noob to this, and my house is covered in freaking oak trees eating all of the sun! I cant seem to find a safe place for them outside unless its in the field next to our home.

I appreciate the feedback.

P.S at the stage they are in, how much time will be needed for them to bud?
How can i transplant them without hurting them? My biggest fear is transplanting to a larger pot and killing them =[
Id also like to know, I have a plant growing outside in a ceramic pot (same as the pics above) and it has been raining here for the past 3-4 days, off and on with not a lot of sun. Should i be worried about it? Is it going to be ok? Ive been going out and checking on it, and it looks alright, slightly yellow on a few leaves..


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
out doors in a pot with lots of rain can overwater, it not likebeing in the ground where the ground can absorbe morewater. yellowing is a sighn of overwatering.