Need help with lighting for my clones and mothers


Well-Known Member
What kind of lights will keep my mothers healthy? I want my mothers to have nice thick branhes so my clones can be healthy,

I have a Wal mart, home depot, menards, all thos big stores around my area, so anything from those stores would be great,
or if u guys have some links of products online, I just need a few ideas so I can make a good investment on my lights for my veg/clone area.

any suggestions? Thanks in advance


Well-Known Member
Yeah I know I will be using fluros or cfls. Wat are the best bulbs? I heard t-5 or some stuff like that. Is metal halide good for mothers?


Well-Known Member
You don't need T-5's for mothers, and for clones I think less light is better than more. Just be sure to get the 6000k spectrum. For your mother most of the time, unless your running a huge operation, you will only be cutting clones every 2 or 3 months. so you don't need a really strong light.


Well-Known Member
Walmart sells CFL's in a multipack, 26 watt are best bang for your buck. you can use powerstrips that will hold 3 or 4 of them in a row or you can get 3 way plugin's, or just get the reflector sockets, be creative.