need help with my new clones


Well-Known Member
ill try that, would that be the same as spraying it down from time to time?

also would it be bad if i change it from outdoor to indoor at night for those extra hours of light? and change it outdoor when the sun rises.. otherwise i wasted money for the lights.
yes buy a mister from like home depot. theyre either $5 ... or $15...
i cant remember. Also; keep the humidity high. 80%+ That dome works fantastically. Just get something plastic and place it ever..

picture to help.



Well-Known Member
also, you seem to be worried..... Dude, you have to keep it domed and inside until its completely rooted. That thing cant survive outside yet. Not in those conditions. Its going through enough stress and direct sunlight wont do it any good right now. Keep it in that dome for at least a week with high humidity. Check up on it constantly and keep it moist. Goodluck.
yes buy a mister from like home depot. theyre either $5 ... or $15...
i cant remember. Also; keep the humidity high. 80%+ That dome works fantastically. Just get something plastic and place it ever..

picture to help.
ok thanks, i got a mister now, not the greatest but whatever. iam gonna keep that bag over it, see what happens. can this plant be brought back? or is this all one big waste of time. i would really like to get this plant back to healthy. should i take it back outside even though it is weak and just cover it, and uncover it from time to time.
also, you seem to be worried..... Dude, you have to keep it domed and inside until its completely rooted. That thing cant survive outside yet. Not in those conditions. Its going through enough stress and direct sunlight wont do it any good right now. Keep it in that dome for at least a week with high humidity. Check up on it constantly and keep it moist. Goodluck.
yea im am worried:cry:, im a first time grower, it just looks really weak. okay so putting it outside right away was a mistake. iam gonna keep it inside try this over agian, also im getting a few things today. what do u reccomend? should i add nothing at all, and just keep it inside, watering, spraying from time to time..
okay well now i talked to someone, and they told me no dome or anything thats only killing off oxygen, its only needed for rooting, which my clone was rooted when purchased, so i almost messed up putting my clone back inside, inside the bag. i was told even if it looks weak when its outside, it needs to be out there. and that in a week or less it should look stronger from being outside, and not choked up in that bag which he said is causing the withering, and droopiness. so i put it back outside, and when the soil is a bit dryer, i will give it its nutes. im still not sure ifmy soil is good enough tho, its not MG or anything. but is soft and spongey like

another thing is the calyxes are already showing with orange hairs, which i thought was bad, but he said thats good and means its ready to grow and will grow 3-4 times larger.
so i gave the plant its nutrients today insttead of tomoro, i said fuck it, if it dies whatever. but now after today, its standing tall, and looking better, less droopiness.

also i accidentally left the plant out about 30 min into nighttime, couldnt make it home in time, i put it inside under lamp now, gonna turn the light off at 2:30, give it an extra 30 min. do you think leaving it in the night then changing to light will affect it?


Well-Known Member
mate just leave it inside under ur light stop moving it about keep it moist with hardly any nutes just a little dash leave the lights on for 20 hours a day
yeah i cant grow inside all day, first its expensive, second i dont have the correct lights. so outside is my option.

its still looking stronger not any "huge" improvements tho, sum leafs still have yellow. will this go away in a few days, since i gave it nutes yesterday?


Well-Known Member
how expensive is a cfl on electricity, negligent imo, and the humidity will really help. Take advice when asked for it, these guys know what they are talking about. Dont discredit others who's opinion doesn't match the one you were looking for.
okay, but that doeesnt help me at all, i already do what he told me. this site actually hasnt helped me at all, if anything it lead me to almost killing it.

im 16, i dont pay rent, or electricity. and like i told you i only have one cfl bulb, im not planning on growing inside, only giving it its four more hours of sunlight inside. so if you have real help tell me, not tell me to listen to sum1 with no help whatsoever.

and yea they might know what their talking about, but they dont know physically all the situation, their not here.

thanks tho

i got a real question now. some of my baby leafs look healthy but at the tips are dark green and crispy. whats going on? it shouldnt be dry..


Well-Known Member
mate it dont matter if u only have 1 cfl put em under it and leave em untill roots are established even if u alternate them under ur bulb then when the roots are bigger put em out you wont do any good movin them in and out cos the enviorment isnt consistant the poor things wont know if they are coming or going. if you cant do that then ur wasting your time but by all means try it your way i learned from my mistakes


Well-Known Member
yeah i cant grow inside all day, first its expensive, second i dont have the correct lights. so outside is my option.

its still looking stronger not any "huge" improvements tho, sum leafs still have yellow. will this go away in a few days, since i gave it nutes yesterday?
dont giv em nutes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! for fuck sake listen boy
i took all your advice, and basically i got a new one and am gonna start off right this time. its been under light all day it looks extremely healthy now, i changed the soil out. when should i give it nutes? like in 2 weeks?