Need help with my seedlings!! PLEASE...


I have 5 smurfberrys and 3 auto berry. 2 of my smurfberrys are yellowing on the tips of the fan leaves. I am using jiffy seed starter, no nutes and I have a 600w Mh about 15 inches away from them in a well ventilated 4*4 grow room. All my other plants look very good.
One problem was i started to water them will well water with high iron, so i switched to distilled about 3 days ago. One of the two seedlings fan leaves is curling upwards i have read this if from low humidity. Any info would be great i can post more pics if needed. Thanks I am a newbe. Pics 1,3 and 4 are the sick ones and the rest are just so random pice of the other ones.1.jpg100_0325.jpg3.jpg2.jpg100_0318.jpg100_0319.jpg100_0324.jpg


Well-Known Member
I have 5 smurfberrys and 3 auto berry. 2 of my smurfberrys are yellowing on the tips of the fan leaves. I am using jiffy seed starter, no nutes and I have a 600w Mh about 15 inches away from them in a well ventilated 4*4 grow room. All my other plants look very good.
One problem was i started to water them will well water with high iron, so i switched to distilled about 3 days ago. One of the two seedlings fan leaves is curling upwards i have read this if from low humidity. Any info would be great i can post more pics if needed. Thanks I am a newbe. Pics 1,3 and 4 are the sick ones and the rest are just so random pice of the other ones.View attachment 1564190View attachment 1564193View attachment 1564192View attachment 1564191View attachment 1564194View attachment 1564195View attachment 1564196
god damn man move that fucker upppppppppppppp
that light is way to low there cooking to death
seriously man move the light up the seedling stage is a delicate stage they will cook keep it about couple feet away , use ur hand make sure its not reallt hot at the tops of the seedlings
especially a 600 watter


Active Member
god damn man move that fucker upppppppppppppp
that light is way to low there cooking to death
seriously man move the light up the seedling stage is a delicate stage they will cook keep it about couple feet away , use ur hand make sure its not reallt hot at the tops of the seedlings
especially a 600 watter
Agreed!! Agreed!! Agreed!! Think about using CFLs for the seedling stage, they are much less "harsh" on the fragile seedlings & you can keep them pretty close without doing damage.


I have since moved the light up at least 3.5 feet and they are still showing more sings of yellowing and curling. They are still growing fast and look good otherwise. Not sure what to do!!!!!!!!!

Maximus cannabis

Active Member
Post more pics. Are they curling down now?

Also, what kind of water are you using? It would be too early to see a cal/mad deficiency, but it's worth asking.


i had the same problem 2 weeks ago...heres what i did
-raise your light way up!
-add some cal-mag or mix a little tap water with distilled to help buffer the pH better- measure pH of runoff to make sure.
-get a cheap humidifier to keep humidity above 60% and add ice cubes to cool the air more
-dont overwater! your soil looks wet, it should be barely moist
-swtich to 20/4 light dark cycle during the hottest hrs. it will restore moisture to the leaves
dont lower the light until leaves are dark green


thanks i will post more pics. The leaves are curling upwards. I am using distilled water but started out with well water that was high in iron. I will have my soil ph meter tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
they'll bounce back...i wouldnt add any calmag, just change ur water and let them bounce back...


I just got some foli-cal and some bonide nutes 10-10-10 was going to try an 1/8 dose of them once my soil has dried out completely. Please help out with your in put........