Need help with nutes!!!


Well-Known Member
I have some nutrients but i don't know which ones i should use. I have micro, grow, bloom, liquid carbo load/bud xl, potassium silicate, and repair. Im pretty sure most of them are Advanced Nutrients. I'm still in the vegging stage but my plants are still small. How much should I use? Or what types of nutes can I buy at walmart or lowes?


well i normally dont start giving them nutes until they are 2-3 weeks old. And also always read what the label says on the bottle for the amount of nutes you should use and how often. and for the veg stage i have been using a wally mart brand called schultz liquid plant food..seems to be working out for me anyways..think it was $5? Than when i swtich to flowering i like to go with tiger bloom. So id say use your grow nutes during the veg, and switch to the bloom when you start your flowering cycle.


Well-Known Member
I have some nutrients but i don't know which ones i should use. I have micro, grow, bloom, liquid carbo load/bud xl, potassium silicate, and repair. Im pretty sure most of them are Advanced Nutrients. I'm still in the vegging stage but my plants are still small. How much should I use? Or what types of nutes can I buy at walmart or lowes?
The only thing from walmart or lowes that i would use is super thrive, which is a b-1 supplement. Other than that, miracle grow works wonderfully, but makes your bud tatse like pee. And, yes, it sounds like you ar eusing moislty advanced nutrients, i would google advanced nutrients calculator, or shcedule, and their website actually has a automatic schedule that will tell you the amounts. Also, you havent said if your using soil or hydro, but im assuming soil. what kind of water are you using, RO, city, or well?


Active Member
check the feeding schedule on the nute companys should tell you everything you need to know!


Well-Known Member
I'm growing with miracle grow peat moss medium and im using water straight from a hose and the pH is about 6.8.