Need help with picking strain for tent.


Active Member
Hi there,

I am a newbie in the subject. Next grow will be my second.

My setup:
-Air outtake with carbon filter, one adequate fan inside.
-150W hps son-t 2000k with reflector, 3x cfl 38W and one LED lamp 150W 6400k with very narrow light span.
-Temps hit max 33C and drop around 16-18C for night. It's hard to be specific here but there is a significant temp drop.
-2 pots that are around 18L
-I have a bottle of iguana juice for bloom stage as far as I can remember.
-I have an RO filter, and I do take effort in adjusting water ph and ppm.
-I would prefer to stick to 18-6h cycle. (excluding switch for 12-12)

My first grow was autos I would rather go for photo plant this time. Can you suggest any strains that would be good for this setup.

Yield is not the most important thing for me as it's only for personal use.

Would two plants fit in ? (of suggested strain)

Like I said I'm new in the topic so please don't pick on me if I said something silly.

Thank you for your time.


Well-Known Member
yea I could easily see, two plants fit under a 250W with a few CFLs for side lightning in a 80x80cm scrog

here is my 2 plant scrog with 280W LEDs and a few CFLs at the sides in a 75x50 space


strain is LSD from Barney`s and did finish in 56 days from flower appeared, 128 gram of Bud plus a lot of trimming I made Oil of

also, try to get them day temperatures down a bit, atleast under the 30C (24-27C is better) a cool tube on the 250W could be a option or running it at night (I did when I grew with my 600W HPS as it also suited me better as I was home, did run mine from 6 evening to 6 morning)


Well-Known Member
If you have the time, topping and training out the canopy for your scrog will help in the long run. I think doing a scrog will be a good option as it's your second grow, and it can make everything alot easier for you. Remember though once the net is down you can't move the plants if you have two of them scrogged together and in a tight place. Not trying to scare you, just keep it in mind is all. I would have to recommend a nice indica dom strain like Sour Blueberry from H.S.O. it would lend itself to a scrog very nice or maybe Cindy99 as she's hearty and a quick finisher in flower. The LSD from Barneys that Slipon recommended is a really nice scrog candidate as well. I have a Green Poison from Sweet seeds that I got as a freebie, and she would be nice in a scrog as she takes topping very well and grows into a vigorous bush. I can't wait to flip her and see the 47 day flowering time come to fruition. Take it easy bro hope some of this helped. Peace out.

EDIT: Like Slip said you need to drop them day temps man, maybe running at night or getting a portable a/c. IDK, that's kind of critical though, hot temps create airy flowers.


Active Member
Thank you for answers. This is exactly what I was looking for. I have couple of strains to pick from now :). My favorites are LSD and Sour Blueberry. I'll make a decision pretty soon.

I will do a dry run in next few days to see if running it (tent) in the night will solve the temp issue.

I have two questions:

1. I take that SCROG requires a bigger pot that usual and I'll grow photos not autos now. How big pots should I have, should they be bigger than 18L ? I suppose I should ask how much bigger they should be.

2. I have read quite a lot about soil, but every case is different and I'd like to have opinion from first hand. For my first grow I decided to go for Plagron Batmix. I had 3 different strains of autos and one of them didn't like the soil at all, other two coped with it, end result was satisfactory as for first time. I take that it was too hot/strong for them overall. I was thinking of going for something like Happy Frog. Can you tell me what you guys used with these strains or which option would you recommend from your practice.

Again thanks for reading.


Active Member
BTW. Slipton that grow of yours looks very nice.

I'm really looking forward to trying SCROG. It gives a different perspective to a small tent. Also couple of new things to learn.


Well-Known Member
I use anything between a 3 gallon and a 7 gallon pot as final pot, mostly 5 or 7 as I like to grow em in to maturity before I flower, tho I have a small clone in there right now with the others in a 3 gallon other is in 7, it all depend, but the longer you veg the bigger the plant (I hope :D) and the bigger a root net it need to support it, remember roots a the life source for the plant, if I veg lets say 7 week`s so its maybe 9 weeks old from seed (first two week`s I consider them as seedlings until they show first real leaves) I use my 7 gallon, but I start em out in Cup`s move on to 1 gallon, then 3 and then final pot, as I like em to grow some nice roots for the center of the final pot, weed like to spread its roots out to the side`s and then down, so if you start em in the final pot you wont really use 30% of the center of the pot so to speak, it also make it easy for you to water with out to much risk of over watering

and now we talk about that in soil, I must advice you strongly to get some perlite or coco or both and mix in to the soil, like 10% of each or 20% of one of em, clay pellet`s can also be used to some degree, weed like light and airy soil, need oxygen for its roots to breath and stay healthy, don't like a compact soil that stay moist for to long time, so good draining is key also when we talk the Pot`s make sure they have a nice amount of big drain hole`s in em

about soil, I know Bat mix, I use Plagron products myself, tho never used it, only there light and all mix, but should be good, tho as you said, to strong for small seedlings, it would be a killer soil for the final pot before 12/12 Im sure

in general, small seedlings and young veg plant`s don't need much to thrive a nice seedling soil or light mix is plenty for the Cup`s and first two week`s then use some all mix or sum thing, or as I would do it, buy a bag of light mix and mix it with the bat mix half and half maybe for the Veg pots and full force for the final 5/7 gallon pot for flowering (I use bat guano to mix in to my finally soil mix)

hope this help some



Active Member
Sorry for late reply. I've been busy...

Thanks for the information Slipton. I'll go for two bags and extra perlite like you mentioned. I'll try to move the plant twice.

Again thanks for replies. Great stuff.


Well-Known Member
Np. glad I could help

and sounds good with the perlite

move em twice also sound as a good move, start em out in cup`s or small 1L pot`s much more easy to keep em healthy in as its hard to over water

I see it like this, if I have to water more then every second day they need a repot, if they stay moist for longer then 4 days they have plenty of room, and if the soil is`t very light and airy Im at risk of over watering, as its called, tho its actually more the roots that run out of oxygen, I like it when I can water like twice a week if that make any sense

once you have some nice small Veg plants (week 2-4) you could move em to some 3 gallon and a week or so before you plan on 12/12 move em to there final home, etc 5g