need help with sex of plants

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
It's a pollinated female. Those are seed pods, not pollen sacks. Did you have a hermie or a male in the room?


Well-Known Member
It a hermie my friend. Keep it away from the other plants as it can polonate them. You could still get some smoke from it but it will seed. As your in the final weeks I would crop it now.

Lots of seed pods but looks like some nut sacks at the bottom right of pic 2


Defo hermies. Those balls are male organs and the hairs are your female.
anything i can do or is it just a gotta deal with it thing.. my other looks to be maybe a female though should i move her ? i only have one room so can i separate them ? what if i just pluck the balls off ?


Well-Known Member
anything i can do or is it just a gotta deal with it thing.. my other looks to be maybe a female though should i move her ? i only have one room so can i separate them ? what if i just pluck the balls off ?
Yep you can just cut its nuts off. Problem with this is they will come back and you have to be very vigalent. Also as the buds get bigg some nuts get hidden so you cant chop em.
Another solution would be to treat it with some dutch masters "Reverse"
Its a special formular that you folia spray on the plant then repeat in 10 days. Kills off the male organs and will get the ones that hide deep within the buds.