need help with sexing.


Well-Known Member
judging by your pictures id say you can fit 3 fingers maybe a little more in between yours. mine i can almost put one finger in between the lower closer ones and at most 2 fingers at the top were its skinny and longer, the thicker it gets the shorter the nodal length. my meristem is like 3 pencils bundled together at the bottom, so thats why those are closer.


Well-Known Member
you just dont want tall that blank space between nodes, it makes for tall skinny plants that will usualy not be able to suport bud wieght, but hey put a fan on it and strengthen up that meristem! the branches are the real thing you gata watch for now. those are were the buds come in. closer nodal growth means less, bigger buds because the buds bundle together. if the plant is streatched like that itll mean more, smaller budds.


Active Member
well i have 3 120 watt lights bout 6 inches. i did the lighting wrong when i started so they stretched but now its bushy and thwe light is further away


Well-Known Member
it looks alright..... as long as you have lots of vert room to grow.. but definately get some fans on those things.....

here I'll post a couple pix of my plants.... they are 21" and under from the top to the top of the soil, the smallest being 8"

mind you I'm doing mine with a 400 watt hps...



Active Member
ya my tallest is 2 1/2 feet tall. and i have a huge fan it's just on the side. i couldnt fit it in the picture


Well-Known Member
true.... but your plants have like 3 or 4 sets of branches over say 18"

where my 8" plant has 5 sets of branches and is working on it's 6th...

I'd say you need more lights.....


Well-Known Member
yeah I get heat issues in the summer.... but hey who really needs to grow inside during the summer right :D.... wouldn't be restricted to space then :D:D


Active Member
ya if you look on the first pages i put pics of my plants up. bout 2/3 have leaves between the trunk and stems and the other third doesn't. there's only one plant that has nodes and it has the leaves between the trunk and stem. does that mean it's a female or is it to early to tell since i only started flowering it for 4 days


Well-Known Member
what you need to do is back the camera up abit so your hand isn't the focal point....... lol it's really hard to make out anything on your stem....

Honestly I'd wait til you see something more....

but better pix would definately help


Active Member
ill try and do it tomorrow when the lights are back on but there were so many leaves and shit it was hard to focus. i just dont want a couple males or all males and fuck everything up


Well-Known Member
yeah it only takes one to pollinate the entire crop so it's good to be on the safe side....

I ended pulling one that I thought was male... posted pix on here.... and everyone else agreed with me... so I pulled it.... now my other plant looks pretty much identical.... @ the nodes and it's female.... you can believe I was slapping my forehead.... I only have 4 plants in my cabinet now... so that 5th would have made more of a difference...


Well-Known Member
dude get rid of those lights now. like today. those are "plant lights" they are meant to make house plants look greener, thats all the blue does, they are useless for growing, sry. go to walmart and get some 42w spiral cfl bulbs to replace them. that would be alot better, alot. hell if you really want to increas it you could get a y split for all the sockets and get 6 of them 42w bulbs. and have 2 in each lamp.