Need help with super soil plants yellowing


Well-Known Member
I made two batches of ganjamystic's pescatarian super soil except I substituted half karanja and neem insead of just neem meal. I made one single strength and one double strength. By double strength I mean I put twice as much fertilizer into the same amount of base soil as my single strength. I composted it and when I test my ph of the run off from the super soil it is the same ph as my water before it goes into the soil. The plants that have super soil in their cups have been getting deficiencies or locked up and I do not know how to fix it. Is my recipe missing something? Do I need to compost it again? Or did I add too much of something like too much potassium? I have included photos of the plants. I added the super soil into they base of their cups and let them grow about a week in veg and then switched them to flower. They have been in flower for 4 weeks and started to slowly become yellow 1-2 weeks ago. The strains are CBD Shark Shock by CBD Crew and OG Kush by Reserva Privada.

The recipe for my super soil, makes 30 gallons:

- 25 gallons of base soil mix
- 5 Gallons of compost ( I mixed worm castings, green waste compost, and biodynamic compost with cow manure in it)
- 170.25 grams of Karanja Meal
- 170.25 grams of Neem Meal
- 113.5 grams
- 113.5 grams
- 340.5 grams
- 340.5 grams
- 1 pound of
- 1 pound of Fish Bone Meal
- 397.25 grams of Bat Guano
- 1/4 cup Oyster Shell Lime
- 3 Tablespoon Epsom Salt
- 2 Tablespoon Azomite
- 1/2 Tablespoon Humic Acid



Well-Known Member
2 things that jump out at me....

You should never put a clone/seedling in to a super soil. I would use just some of your base for that, or at least cut your soil with about 50% base and make a seedling mix.

Second, those plants are WAY too big to be in party cups. They need to be up-potted asap.

The yellowing that you're seeing is likely one of those two things.


Well-Known Member
2 things that jump out at me....

You should never put a clone/seedling in to a super soil. I would use just some of your base for that, or at least cut your soil with about 50% base and make a seedling mix.

Second, those plants are WAY too big to be in party cups. They need to be up-potted asap.

The yellowing that you're seeing is likely one of those two things.
what stow said.
I am actually somewhat impressed you got that much flower from those.
Pretty much too late now though, being that far into flower, transplanting now will do little.
Could always try though, just be reaaally careful, you don't want to shock them when the clock is ticking...
Organics need two gallons, per foot of growth, to be happy.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for all the quick replies, so is there nothing wrong with my soil mixture? I only placed a small amount of SS at the bottom of each cup and the rest is Coco Loco soil mix. If container size is the issue that is a much easier fix. I have another one in a two gallon fabric pot with SS and it looks fine but it is only 2-3 weeks into flower.
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