need help with terms

randy leopard

Active Member
im starting by first grow and it will be in a stealth box. probably twice the size of a PC box, but still pretty small. ive been doing tons of research and im pretty sure ill be good to go as long as the bagseeds im currently germiniating arent junk. (the pot in the bag was pretty good. dont know the strain)

my questions are> what is LST? what does is stnad for and what does it mean and how do i do it, if need be? also SCROG? please explain that in entirety too. whatever these terms mean and are, they seem to be used fequently when growing in small boxes. also, exact bulb recommendations are highly appreciated.
ANY help would be appreciated. thank you.


Active Member
LST is bending your plany over and trying it down with out breaking the stem so it shows the new growth on the stem and they grow up and out and turn in to branches. its done so you get more top buds instead of just one. is also saves space.
i would say go to google and look at videos or a reall good explanation with pics.

scrog is LST too but its a different kind...its putting a screen like chicken with or some sort of sreen with big holes for the plants to grow thorugh and be supported by it.

you can do both in your double pc grow. LST you plant and then once the branches come out, put a screen with like 1 or 2 or 3 square in holes over it.
hope this helped

randy leopard

Active Member
thanks for the help guys. altho after i posted that first thread, i realized there is a glossary thread and quickly figured it all out.

next question!!! what kind of lights should i use for my stealth box? it stands about 2.5 ft tall. im guessing CFL (compact flourescent lights?)
just wanna get the wattage or whatever right. i wanna do this right!! ive seen and heard of way too many first timers bypass correct routes to waste time and end up with a dead plant.