need help with this plant is it dying???


hi thx for the reply but don't think its that as this plant has been grown without any aids just water and a growlight


Well-Known Member
Well if theres never been anything added then you probably have a deficiency. Read up on them and youll probably find your answer. It looked like burn to me as well but i guess you just starved them. Feed and take those dead leaves out of your buds.


thx will have a look an read
Well if theres never been anything added then you probably have a deficiency. Read up on them and youll probably find your answer. It looked like burn to me as well but i guess you just starved them. Feed and take those dead leaves out of your buds.


Well-Known Member
light is 250 hps light around 15 inch from plant....I have 2 plants the other is fine???
Your not giving out any extra information on the grow that were not prying out of you and shooting down every answer were giving. Your about as fun to play with as a junkyard dog.


Your not giving out any extra information on the grow that were not prying out of you and shooting down every answer were giving. Your about as fun to play with as a junkyard dog.
hey sry ok ...2 plants are under 250 hps lights the room is 6ft by 4ft an 7 feet in height max temp it reachs is around 86 they have been given just water no extra additives an the soil was a hanging basket type from miracle grow they are 45 days old any more info please jus ask


Well-Known Member
Just water and dirt? Okay then, maybe you have some fucked up water or some fucked up dirt. Do you have a water softner? Did you put a pound of guano in the bottom of your pot? Did you spray your leaves with anything? Like Alienwidow says, you gotta give some more details. That is NOT a picture of a plant that has just exhausted its nutrients.


Just water and dirt? Okay then, maybe you have some fucked up water or some fucked up dirt. Do you have a water softner? Did you put a pound of guano in the bottom of your pot? Did you spray your leaves with anything? Like Alienwidow says, you gotta give some more details. That is NOT a picture of a plant that has just exhausted its nutrients.
hi thx for reply bugeye but no, no water softner , guano, leaves never been sprayed with anything.....I have 2 plants both have been watered from same source an the other plant is completely ok that's whats troubling me??


Well-Known Member
Then I would have to think it is some type of disease, maybe even in the root zone. If I could not get a better idea, I would pull her out of her pot to check the health of the roots.


Then I would have to think it is some type of disease, maybe even in the root zone. If I could not get a better idea, I would pull her out of her pot to check the health of the roots.
Have just found out that my mother watered it with tomatoe feed and didn't tell me so I think that maybe something to do with it possibly do you think????? I have a look up on the roots online so I can know what to look for thankyou bugeye


Well-Known Member
It has a very over fertilized look to me, so see if you can mix up some more of the nutrient solution your mom did and check the ppm. It would have to be really high.


Well-Known Member
Sorry, you need to get a TDS or EC meter to measure ppm. Great tool to have if you plant to keep growing.


Sorry, you need to get a TDS or EC meter to measure ppm. Great tool to have if you plant to keep growing.
will look into sorting one out thx again an yes I plan to keep growing just hope the plant makes it it smelling pretty good if not at least I have the other one :) cheers bugeye


Well-Known Member
Have just found out that my mother watered it with tomatoe feed and didn't tell me so I think that maybe something to do with it possibly do you think????? I have a look up on the roots online so I can know what to look for thankyou bugeye
Awww, your mom fed your plant. Thats adorable. Shes a sweetheart for doing that, dont be that mad at her, she was only trying to help in her momly way. My mom likes to get in my garden and help me do stuff too, she loves my plants because theyre so pretty and they smell sweet. Go tell her i think shes a great mom for letting you enjoy a hobby that most moms would be hesitant to. Dont worry, your plant will be fine man. :):):)