need help with this plant is it dying???


Awww, your mom fed your plant. Thats adorable. Shes a sweetheart for doing that, dont be that mad at her, she was only trying to help in her momly way. My mom likes to get in my garden and help me do stuff too, she loves my plants because theyre so pretty and they smell sweet. Go tell her i think shes a great mom for letting you enjoy a hobby that most moms would be hesitant to. Dont worry, your plant will be fine man. :):):)
lmao thing is my mum planted then in the first place


Well-Known Member
If the very extreme end tips of all your leaves are browned over the entire plant that's nute burn.

What fertilizer did she use and how much per gallon?

Clawing of the lower leaves also hints at over fertilization.


If the very extreme end tips of all your leaves are browned over the entire plant that's nute burn.

What fertilizer did she use and how much per gallon?

Clawing of the lower leaves also hints at over fertilization.
........... she added 7.5 ml of a tomato feed with an npk of 2-2.5-4 to around 3/4 gallon water although only half of the water was used the rest is still in the bottle


Well-Known Member
That's about 1/2 Tablespooon if I've converted right. Hard for me to imagine that being a toxic dose...


If the very extreme end tips of all your leaves are browned over the entire plant that's nute burn.

What fertilizer did she use and how much per gallon?

Clawing of the lower leaves also hints at over fertilization.
heres a pic so you can see the difference


Well-Known Member
lmao thing is my mum planted then in the first place
I dont need to know if your moms hot or not but im going to just keep picturing her as hot because shes obviously super cool.

As for the plants now its really hard to say whats going on since the two plants are right next to each other and ones doing better than the other. The only think i can think of is a root issue maybe caused by over watering, maybe root rot. This is a tough one to pinpoint man. Theres no real variables that are different between the two and they havent really been fed so theres nothing to narrow down. The only thing i can think of would be a problem with roots or watering. That moisture guage could be the problem. If its telling you to water too early then you might be over watering. Who knows man, not me thats forsure. Sometimes the fan leaves also just dry up and die at the end of the grow, it happens. One thing im sure of is those plants dont look that bad off. Enjoy the smoke when you get it all dried and cured. :):):)


I dont need to know if your moms hot or not but im going to just keep picturing her as hot because shes obviously super cool.

As for the plants now its really hard to say whats going on since the two plants are right next to each other and ones doing better than the other. The only think i can think of is a root issue maybe caused by over watering, maybe root rot. This is a tough one to pinpoint man. Theres no real variables that are different between the two and they havent really been fed so theres nothing to narrow down. The only thing i can think of would be a problem with roots or watering. That moisture guage could be the problem. If its telling you to water too early then you might be over watering. Who knows man, not me thats forsure. Sometimes the fan leaves also just dry up and die at the end of the grow, it happens. One thing im sure of is those plants dont look that bad off. Enjoy the smoke when you get it all dried and cured. :):):)
thanks for the advice...had a look today an plant seems ok ie it hasn't got any worse an seems to be picking up a for the metre I only put that in to check ph levels which were ok I don't use it to monitor watering I think mother overdone it on the watering ..............oh im sorry to to tell you mother is not hot she a 63 year old pensioner :) thx again alienwidow an yes im hoping to enjoy the smoke if it makes it through


Well-Known Member
........... she added 7.5 ml of a tomato feed with an npk of 2-2.5-4 to around 3/4 gallon water although only half of the water was used the rest is still in the bottle
That dose of fertilizer would not hurt anything. No way you would get burn from that.


Well-Known Member
I think ive jus found a possible cause the temp in room hit 90 humidity 30 possible????
Sure. My outdoor plants are used to 100 degree temps. But they are acclimated to it. If your room all of a sudden hit 90 with RH of 30 that sudden environmental change could burn some tips. Just takes a few minutes..

I'm not seeing tip browning on the lower portions of the plant which makes me think it's more environmental / heat issue than overfertilization.

But just my opinion so take it at that.

Good Luck - AIM


I think your totally right, the main bud is pretty dry, also the leaves that did brown were quite sticky before this happened, they were dried up pretty well crumbled away in my fingers..... cooling is now sorted got it sitting at 82 will just keep close eye on it see how it goes, fingers crossed.....................your grow looking real good AimAim thx for ya help and all those who have advised cheers guys


Well-Known Member
You can do some damage in 10-15 minutes if your environmental factors get out of whack.

It's hard to exactly measure temps in a grow area. You can easily get 15 degrees (f) difference or more between lower and upper canopy.


Well-Known Member
But you love your mom right...! I am 51... and I grow pot. And I am a woman..... got 6 ounces last harvest. Still learning... but enjoy the hobby.