Need help with this problem!


Hello rollitup community and happy holidays to everyone!.....iv'e recently ran into a problem well i'm not 100% sure if its a problem but anyway some of my branches in my baby have started to get a red tint to it. Last time i knew my ph of my water was around 6.2 bumping 6.3 but i'm not sure if that the problem or not and i'm really worried cause my last grow this did not happen but then yet it also ran through my mind that maybe it was the genetics but i'm not fully sure what to diagnose it with so please i need some help on this thanks all! :sad:



Active Member
Red stem= normal kid. You fail...j/k nah that looks a little off. Are you seeing any yellowing on any of your leaves?


Well-Known Member
i think its a sign of low temps at night but it could also be down to gentics i dont think its anything to worry about:peace:


i think its a sign of low temps at night but it could also be down to gentics i dont think its anything to worry about:peace:
Yea i basically answered my own question lmfao the temp have been getting around 55 at night so i needa get it uhp! but anyway thanks for the support (:


The heat in the house has been turned down and i dnt notice but its all good now... im not worried like i said i answered my own question iv'e been doing it long enough and studied enough to know how to do what i do.
its ok, its just pigment. cold smold, as long as you dont feeze your plants you'll be fine granted cold weather during the day will slow down photosynthesis but you're ok.


My plants are growing in less than ideal temps - cold (40-60 F) and I have lots of red and purple stem parts. I am stuck with the cold with 2 - 3 weeks left to go on flowering. Yes I know better but am kinda stuck with the cold for this round. Not to worry, you may also get some pretty knarly purple buds when flowering below 50 F. As long as you don't let them frostbite you should be good and have some really interesting results as far as final color.

Peace out


Active Member
The heat in the house has been turned down and i dnt notice but its all good now... im not worried like i said i answered my own question iv'e been doing it long enough and studied enough to know how to do what i do.
Dude... "iv'e been doing it long enough and studied enough to know how to do what i do" you have been growing that plant for almost a month, and you only have grown one other plant before. Which only grew for 2 months or a little longer. Not to be an ass, but you really haven't been doing it long at all, or even long enough. Not that I am any different, but until you actually grow a plant and harvest it and shit. You can't say it's what I do...even if you want to quote an epic failure. Happy growing and merry fucking christmas.


Dude... "iv'e been doing it long enough and studied enough to know how to do what i do" you have been growing that plant for almost a month, and you only have grown one other plant before. Which only grew for 2 months or a little longer. Not to be an ass, but you really haven't been doing it long at all, or even long enough. Not that I am any different, but until you actually grow a plant and harvest it and shit. You can't say it's what I do...even if you want to quote an epic failure. Happy growing and merry fucking christmas.

True but like i said i know what im doing no fails happening here..


My plants are growing in less than ideal temps - cold (40-60 F) and I have lots of red and purple stem parts. I am stuck with the cold with 2 - 3 weeks left to go on flowering. Yes I know better but am kinda stuck with the cold for this round. Not to worry, you may also get some pretty knarly purple buds when flowering below 50 F. As long as you don't let them frostbite you should be good and have some really interesting results as far as final color.

Peace out
well ill be posting weekly pics so that i can keep you guys updated (: and lol it would be pretty cool to see purple buds


i just harvest 2 days ago, and mine looked the same i freaked out when i noticed it happening 2 months ago, i thought its genetics, well all is good buds are nice, don't worry, my temps 65-70night 70-78day
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by the way what strain is yours? maybe its like mine, which i don't know what

here's my harvest pics
Thanks man this made me feel 100% better and im going to post a new pic of my lovely sprout


First image: Is from my last grow its the top cola i had to cut it down 4 weeks b4 harvest cause of problems with the law.

Second image: Is a picture of the new plant today as you can its looking pretty happy compared to the past pictures i had of it from a few days ago.

I would also just like to thank everyone who has commented on this post so far and putting your advice every little bit of information helps :D

Be Sure To Keep An Eye On This Post I Will Be Updating It Weekly Until I Harvest!.



Well-Known Member
Some of you guys gotta realize that not everyone on this forum has the money time or resources to create absolute perfect conditions for there grow. Some of us, me for example, draw the line at extreme temperature control. There is no way I would have an ac in my tent when we can't afford an ac unit or the running costs to even keep ourselves cool in the summer. And I wouldn't use a heater for the inherent fire risk.

We all grow within our means and its not fair for you to tell this guy he is retarded for having low temps. We all go through our learning curves and adjust our techniques to our own unique situations. Your grow is lookin good man. Keep it up.


Nicely said man i could not agree anymore but the kid who was saying i was retarded is a real friend of mine and he is following me on how i grow so i don't know why he said what he did but all i know is that he has studied some of the things i work off so we are on the same page and for things he don't know he asks me....but other than that i know pretty much everything that your basic grower need to know and i mean i'm not going to go blow thousands of dollars on equipment when i'm only going into my second year of growing, once i start getting cash flo for better equipment i will then start to think about upgrading a bit but until then i think how its going thus far is pretty dam good.


Hello fellow growers and smokers! i'm just here to update you all and to let you see the progression on the beauty. Might i add this plant has taken off sense the middle of the month but i mean i'm in the second stage of vegetation so i'm going to see this baby double in size and i cant wait to have a 4 foot plant again (: but anyway this plant at the moment is 5" and i'm not sure if i want super crop it or just go and do some pinching to make it a bit bushier idk but if you guys want to put your advice in i'm more than willing to use it thanks (: bongsmilie

