need help with ventilation!


Well-Known Member
so i built a dual 150watt cool tube last night and i have the duct but im not sure which duct booster to get. i have a 3.5Lx3.5Wx4.5H. would a 6 inch 160cfm duct booster do the job enough to pull all the heat out of the grow room? or does anyone have a chart on what cfm you need for what size room you have? any help would be appreciated, thanks

o this is getting attached to one side of my cooltube.


Active Member
With out the cooltube just tape some ducting as close to the bulb as u can the other end have a fan blowing pst the bulb and out the ducting . It should cool it down a bit for you if u do not want to spend more money or the hassle of bulding somthing .


Well-Known Member
i already have everything to wire up except for the duct booster. i am attaching the duct booster practically to the cool tube. i jus need to know if 150cfm would do the trick, or if 80 cfm would do the trick.

Hairy Bob

Well-Known Member
Go with the 150cfm if its the biggest you can get. I would personally go for around 200cfm but you can't overventilate. With lots of airflow over the bulb you should be able to have the plants within a few inches of it, less distance=more lumens=fatter, denser buds.
Are you just pulling air from the room through your cooltube or will it have it's own fresh air supply? This would lower temps and allow the bulb to be that bit closer to the tops.


Well-Known Member
it will be my primary and only exhaust system. but i am putting two inlet fans in to bring in fresh air. it should do the trick. o i am putting in the 4 inch inline eco plus exhaust fan. it is 170cfm. my grow room is about a 50 cubic foot room. so it should be fine, also i have a 12 inch circulating fan that will be always on. how do you guys feel on my set up?

Hairy Bob

Well-Known Member
You don't need intake fans, just have passive intake(s) slightly larger than your exhaust, fresh air will flow in as stale air is exhausted, and slight negative pressure will be maintained in your grow area, preventing any odour leaks.
If your temps are high, think about having a fan to exhaust stale air, and a seperate one to draw cool air across the bulb, otherwise I think you should have a pretty good setup there.
You growing soil or hydro?


Well-Known Member
i am growing with a soil mix i put together. the only reason i said inlet fans is because i already have a passive air hole as big as the exhaust in there right now. the only problem is that light has a better chance of getting in with a huge hole rather than two small PC fans. there free btw. i would go hydro but my set up is in a place that any spilt water would be all bad for me.o i just picked up a 4 inch eco plus exhaust fan that puts out 170 cfm. it will be just fine for a dual 150watt cooltube.


Well-Known Member
good choice on the 4" inline fan... those duct booster fans are absolutely worthless... they are not rated at 80 or 150cfm at all... also, a note about the passive intake... if you only run an exhaust fan, the passive intake should be 4x the AREA of the exhaust opening..


Well-Known Member
ya screw that. ill just put two fans going into thew growroom. and that will work fine. my grow area is not light proof. just the grow room. so if i have a hole the side of my wall im fucked.